Student Affairs Technology

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
OtherDevelop a strategy to provide computer based testing support at Davis campusExplore the use of "thin client" machines to streamline support and ease of service, thus ensuring students are not inconvenienced by system failures and will allow for a quick remedy.n/aWe will start with a sampling of computers in labs and the Student Services testing center to see about proof of concept for this solution. If ease of support and usage is stable and acceptable, we will then expand the offering to the new Davis building.In November 2012, SAT contacted various application deployment and thin-client vendors. Dynaquest and Citrix were invited to campus to discuss the needs of the project and to observe how the testing systems currently operate. The lead Cirtix Systems Engineer for the area then met with Chip and Spencer about different possible scenarios and possibilities. Thin-client samples were issued to SAT. An application server was then setup, training prescribed, and testing on how well the applications deployment works is currently under way.We have developed our strategy and are ready to implement the service via XEN as soon as the building is ready to be opened in Fall 2013.
OtherProvide a repository for Student Affairs Student Employee Manuals and Handbooks in one central location and use it for employee training.Expand the availability of the Wiki site to other department PPMs. Currently, ASCP departments have been added and we will now focus on a new SAMC area to have their departments upload their student employee PPMsDesignated student leaders will be trained on modifying and updating the Wiki for their departments and be responsible to discuss possible changes and modification of the PPM with their supervisors. Leadership and management.Student employees will be able to locate information regarding their job in a timely manner in order to gain skills in self-management and self-sufficiency. Students will use this Wiki for hands on training in order to assist them in job advancement.Jan 25. We have Academic Support Centers and Programs areas uploaded to the wiki. We have presented the idea and availability of the wiki to the Director/Program Heads in December and have presented the wiki to individual departments upon request. So far, the information is out there, but we haven't had a submission from these areas yet. We will be following up with them this semester.The framework for the Wiki is ready, we just need to provide more information to SA departments to encourage their input and upkeep. We will continue to work with departments for content.
OtherCollaborate with Wildcard, Gym, and Dee Events Center to create Wildcard issuing and usage reporting system based on the current issuing application(IDMS).Working with the Wildcard business office, accounting, and auditors during the project will ensure that the desired reporting features will be delivered. The application will be developed using generally accepted accounting principles and best practice guidelines for reconciling inventory and tracking data. n/aThroughout the project all parties will be able to give feedback and suggest any changes.In November 2012, the Wildcard tracking system was launched. Reports are automatically sent daily to the Wildcard office where they are compared to tallies taken by hand. We have noticed a small discrepancy in the numbers. After some investigation we realized the discrepancy came from the addition of the Davis Campus issued cards. We are currently working on a means to flagging the different locations. In December 2012, the Gym Tracking report was launched. The first iteration needed minor changes to comply with the needs of the gym staff. It now sends a swipe counts as well as a graph of usage broken into the two access areas, upstairs and downstairs. It is still being reviewed by the staff.This project is still in process and will continue into next year.
CommunityPull up all Student Affairs websites to a higher quality, ensuring usability, appealing design, up-to-date professional content, accessibility, and easy access for continued maintenance on turnover. Review Student Affairs websites to ensure they are maintained and created properly.All Student Affairs websites will follow Student Affairs web standards, the WSU style guide, include up-to-date content, present quality design and professional content, will be section 508 accessible, and either be in Site Manager or have a plan/funding for outside sources to access the site with turnover.Mimic Assessment’s 4 star system of department review and report, but for Student Affairs websites.I have not yet been able to work on an assessment 4-star system to review and grade websites. I have been manually reviewing key sites and contacting departments for updated content, especially around semester changes and holidays. If I come across a site that is not formatted correctly, I often fix any major errors and then send the department an outline of the web standards (for the first time or as a review) and prompt a training or review session.We will continue to develop this project
LearningIncrease SAT student employee technology and job-specific knowledge and skills. Research and select learning development software that would meet SAT department needs and requirements. Each group (computer labs, web designers, web developers, SATs?) will identify and select a mandatory list of training modules specific to employee job responsibilities.To provide student employees the resources and opportunities to increase their knowledge and skills and apply them in their corresponding areas.Complete student assessment before and a few months after required training. Each area will be in charge of creating their own assessment based on their required training videos. I worked with Carey to get set up for computer lab and web students. I created a personalized training outline using for my student employee. Every lesson includes self-reflection and/or worksheets. I then give written review of the student completed reflection and worksheets to qualitatively measure progress. This review helps me to tweak the job to better fit the student’s interests and talents and add in other video training that I may see as a topic that the student may need more work on.We have had 12 students take Lydia training and they have demonstrated the knowledge gained via special projects and other tasks using the acquired skills. We are going to continue with the training with the possibility of expanding it to other areas.
AccessSupport student use of technology by expanding lab services beyond existing physical environmentsProvide printing services to kiosk system across the University. Provide a mobile printing solution for phone and tablet devices.n/a Track amount of printing from locations outside the labs. Add questions in yearly lab satisfaction survey to identify other areas students would like to see print access and how well they are being served.Jan 25. The Uniprint update has been applied in order to offer the printing piece for mobile devices and we will be entering the second phase of testing the service before release. This will be implemented July 2013.The product for mobile printing was not ready for a 2012-13 install and will be completed July 2013 and will be evaluated next year
OtherProvide the Student Affairs Division an improved support model for all technology based services.STA participation in student development activities, such as GetSet, clubs and organizations, student governments, committees, etc. Develop a priority system for the routing and handling of support incidents Develop a baseline knowledge base for STA staff.Students will have a better understanding of the needs in the professions associated with higher education. Students will be better prepared for technology oriented careers, either in or out of higher education. Students will develop a knowledge and appreciation for the needs and priorities of Student Affairs professionals.Observation of STAs through supervisor feedback and division service surveys. Demonstration of improved handling and response time to support incidents. As of mid-year, a baseline is being established. This will be used to evaulate actions taken during Spring semester.We have received valuable feedback from our survey and have recognized areas of improvement based on timeliness and communication. We will put in place strategies to improve those areas and reevaluate next year.
CommunityCreate a mutually beneficial partnership between the Open Student Computer Labs and select community organizationsPartner with Primary Children's Hospital and the CIC to provide an opportunity for student lab aides to engage in a community service. "The Project" will be expanded to all lab aides in all labs.Students will increase their awareness for opportunities of service within the community. The goal is also to provide students opportunities for service learning through mentoring, leadership and service.Log student employee hours through the Community Involvement Center. Student employees will be required to produce a reflection project and/or semester-end report of their experiences and learning through Civic EngagementJan 25th, this goal is still in progress and so far the book drive and christmas initiatives have been successful with multiple labs and lab aides participating.We will continue to nurture the relationships with CIC and our community involvement. The creation of the Student Computer Lab scholarship has been a success.
AccessInitiate and increase meaningful collaboration with WSU Development OfficeWork with Development Office in setting up a process of cultivating a relationship with former lab employees and support the education of current lab employees.N/AIdentify feasibility and sustainability of a scholarship fund. Research and identify former lab employees and WSU Alumni. Jan 25h - still in the process of identifying areas. Other projects have push over the priority on this goal as of right now. We will be continuing the research this semester.Due to time restraints, this project has been temporarily delayed and will be revisited next year.