Nontraditional Student Center

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
CommunityTo create a venue for students of various cultures to share their stories to increase cultural awareness on campus.Continue to offer a Diversity Section in Epiphany. We will encourage all students, not just nontraditional students, to write their literature expressing their cultural experiences. We will facilitate the sharing of these experiences through the Epiphany journal and cultural open mic nights through the year.Students will be exposed to diverse student experiences and learn about different cultures, beliefs and views.Administer Student Affairs Divison Cultural Competency Survey at release party and focus group. Facilitate a focus group one month after the Epiphany release party and ask students who have read the journal to discuss how it has increased campus diversity and awareness and how they believe it can continue to do so in the future. Jan 25, 2013. Only one entry in the Diversity section has been submitted so far. In order for there to be this section, there needs to be more submissions by February 8th. If there is not, this area will not be assessed.Enter Use of Result
AccessCultivate student awareness of Epiphany Literary Journal to increase student submissions by 20% compared to Fall 2011.Utilize and strategies developed by marketing editor to increase submissions. The marketing editor is a new position Fall 2012.Students will recognize Epiphany as an opportuntiy to receive critical review of their writing, find acceptance in the writing community, and get their work published.1) The submission website for Epiphany will include a mandatory selection for how the student found out about the journal before entering their submission. 2) A questionnaire will distributed at both the Ogden and Davis Campus Epiphany Release party to ask what method of marketing encouraged their submission and what can be done in the future to promote the journal. 3) Submissions will be compared between Fall 2011 and Spring 2013.Jan 25, 2013 Advertising was done through ground stake posters, banners, flyers, bookmarks, etc. the submission deadline has been extended to February 8th and the entries from all submissions will be entered at that time. 2) Release party has been moved to April 3rd. Evaluations will be administered at that time. 3) Submissions were half of what they were last year so this is why the submission date was extended. Comparisons will be done in April.Enter Use of Result
CommunityDetermine the impact the staff and envrionment of the Nontrad Center has on nontraditional students' success.Create a welcoming envrionment and programs such as "Bring a Friend" to include others in the center and create the environment for success.Enter Student Learning OutcomeDisplay five poster boards with purpose and explanation and questions with five areas related to the center and student success (safety/security, connection to staff, academic success contributors, computer lab, and other suggestions). Boards will be displayed fall and spring semester two weeks before finals.Jan 25, 2013 Great feedback from the posters. The Bring a Friend received no feedback but the other areas for computer lab, connections to staff, safety and security, and contributors to success were all addressed. A few key areas were as follows: - Students asked for more space. Three tables were added by the Shepherd Union administration to allow for overflow. - the printing in the computer lab is greatly appreciated as well as having software like Word and Word perfect. - Staff are appreciated for their help, friendship and resources they give to the students. - (Safety and Security) " A place for my child to stay while I try to make a better life for both of us! - Quiet place to study and network with others. -Supportive people. - "Coolest place on earth" - Very thankful it is here. - Staff very welcoming. And amazingly enough, nothing was mentioned about more food.We will continue to improve on our services. We have "Bring a Friend" this semester to keep inviting new students into the center. To reach out to other nontrad students we have started the Weber Wise over 40 group. We will be having movie nights, workshops and a newsletter for these students. We also started our "Single Mingle" group to have once a month dedicated to our single students who are nontraditional. We also have two workshops "The Wisdom of Listening" and "Maximizing your Tax Return" which Nontrad is sponsoring as part of the workshops the night of Major Fest. We have added some technology to increase the environment as well. Students will soon be able to download an App for Nontrad, there is a student story that will be on our website, and we also have more information going out through texting and Facebook.
LearningTeach student editors new skills that will develop them both for reviewing submissions for the journal and professionally.Implement Epiphany editor peer training program to be held bi-monthly during staff meetings through Fall Semester 2012. Student editors will develolp various editing skills (to include copy editing, and correct use of rubrics) that can help them successfully critique journal submissions.Student editors will be administered a pre and post evaluation to determine how the peer training program help them implement editing skills while working on the journal.Jan 25, 2013 Assessment was not administered as a pre-evaluation. This will be completed as a post only assessment.Enter Use of Result
AccessProvide integrated programming for students at Davis Campus for nontraditional students and to connect them to the Nontraditional Student Center.Schedule a representative once a week at the Davis Campus to connect and market to nontraditional students about the services and programs at Ogden and Davis. Implement cohesive and consistent marketing through flyers, banners, websites, etc.Students will be able to identify the services available from the Nontraditional Student Center at Davis Campus. A focus group will be held the end of Fall Semester 2012 to assess if students are more aware of the services and programs offered by the Nontraditional Student Center. Implement other programs and services based on feedback. Assess contact points (one day a week), marketing, websites, banners, and programs and survices through questions in survey from Ogden and Davis Campus in Spring 2013.Jan 25, 2013 An Open House was held on January 23, 2013 to share with nontrad students the resources available through the Nontraditional Student Center. The students met the interns that are serving at the Davis Campus and although the crowd was small, the students who did stop appreciated the information and spent time talking with the staff. This was in collaboration with the Women's Center. A weekly meeting called "Nontrad Nosh" was developed Fall Semester 2012 in the Davis Campus main lobby. Every week 10-15 students attended to meet, discuss topics, network and share resources. This is continuing in Spring Semester 2013 and will be facilitated by an intern and the advisor. A Nontrad Math Study Group was implemented fall semester at Davis Campus. Although only a few participated, it was decided to continue this collaborative group between the Nontrad Center, Davis Learning Center, and Davis Tutoring. A tutor is assigned to meet with students on Saturdays for each developmental Math class. A Peer Mentor was hired by the Nontrad Center to provide goal setting, tracking, phone calls, and encouragement for these students. This group will be assessed the end of Spring Semester. (Pass rates as well as feedback). We will continue to improve on our services. We have "Bring a Friend" this semester to keep inviting new students into the center. To reach out to other nontrad students we have started the Weber Wise over 40 group. We will be having movie nights, workshops and a newsletter for these students. We also started our "Single Mingle" group to have once a month dedicated to our single students who are nontraditional. We also have two workshops "The Wisdom of Listening" and "Maximizing your Tax Return" which Nontrad is sponsoring as part of the workshops the night of Major Fest.