Educational Talent Search

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningGrant Objective, Postsecondary Degree Attainment: 20% of participants served during the project year, who enrolled in an institution of higher education, by the fall term immediately following high school graduation or by the next academic term (e.g. spring term) as a result of acceptance but deferred enrollment will complete a program of postsecondary education within six years. Tracking referrals to other programs at Weber State University (e.g. Multicultural Center, Student Support Services) will assist with monitoring this data. Identification of contact person at each state institution will help in the coordination of verifying students who complete programs. The National Clearinghouse will also be facilitated to verify out of state completions of educational programs. N/AA system of tracking referrals for participants within Weber State University will be established and monitored. A list of contacts per state institution will be developed and updated yearly. Access to the National Clearinghouse will be maintained based on the necessary application or fees for the program. For PY 2011-2012 N/A due to 1st year of objective being implemented For PY 2012-2013 (as of 1/15/13) N/AData is not available due to the first cohort graduating last June; this will be an ongoing process of tracking participants attending Weber State University as well as other institutions in the State.
AccessStrengthen tutoring and mentoring components within the TRiO Talent Search Program to assist with meeting the Grant Objectives. Develop partnerships within Weber State University or community agencies that will benefit the program and the participants in providing these services. Track referrals for each student for tutoring or mentoring services. Referrals for tutoring will include: local schools, Student 2 Student, WIA Youth, possible independent tutor(s) within the program itself, and other community agencies that provide this service. Hiring of a part time Tutor/Mentor Coordinator will assist with the coordination of these services for the program Advisors and will also assist in increasing the number of parent contacts. N/ATrack referrals for these services with database and hard copies for files. A system and form will be developed to assist in the tracking of these referrals, and whether the participants chose to participate in each given service.Identified Spanish Speaking families and students at higher risk; will be implementing additional services (mentoring, additional assistance with applications to college, FAFSA, etc) to these students beginning in February with a Spanish speaking staff member.This is being implemented in February due to concerted efforts with recruitment of participants and new full time staff starting in November.
AccessGrant Objective, Secondary School Persistence: 90% of non-senior participants served each project year will complete the current academic year and continue in school for the next academic yar, at the next grade level.Staff (Advisors, data entry clerks) will do consistent grade checks and document trimester transcripts. Trimester grades will be entered into the database, and a hard copy will be kept in the students' records to assess academic progress. Referrals for tutoring, mentoring, and parent contact will be made when necessary to keep students on track for grade promotion. Tracking of referrals will ensure whether students accept and facilitate the services they were offered as assistance. N/ATrack the number of non-senior program participants who have been served who are promoted to the next grade level. Documentation of trimester transcripts will be collected, input into database, and filed to verify secondary credit completion. For PY 2011-2012 100% For PY 2012-2013 (as of 1/15/13) 100%Advisors at each school will continue to track Talent Search participants at each grade level (8,9,10,11) to ensure they persist in school and objective is fulfilled.
AccessGrant Objective, Secondary School Graduation (Regular): 90% of seniors served during the project year will graduate during the project year with a regular secondary school diploma within the standard number of years. Assess credits and GPAs every trimester. Targeted interventions including referrals to tutoring programs, additional mentoring, and/or parent contact for any seniors at risk for not graduating. Interventions will be documented and participation with these services will be tracked with forms and database. N/AAdvisors will work closely with School Counselors to assess credits and GPAs every trimester. Targeted interventions including referrals by Advisors to tutoring programs, additional mentoring, and/or parent contact. Referrals for interventions will be documented and participation with services will be tracked with forms and entered into database. For PY 2011-2012 100% For PY 2012-2013 (as of 1/15/13) 100%Advisors at high schools (Ben Lomond and Ogden) will continue to monitor participants with graduation requirements, and will intervene if any participant is not online to assist with parent contact or referral to additional services.
AccessGrant Objective, Secondary School Graduation (Rigorous): 30% of seniors served during project year will complete a rigorous secondary school program of study and will graduate during the project year with a regular secondary school diploma within the standard number of years. Advisors will identify the students participating in a rigorous course of study (honors, dual enrollment, and advanced placement courses) and will be offered extra tutoring support for rigorous coursework. This includes identifying and facilitating effective tutors by partnering with other programs at Weber State and/or in the community, as well as the possibility of having a tutor specifically within the Talent Search Program. Advisors will also encourage peer study groups by helping to identify students doing well in these classes to be leaders and assist students who may be struggling in the rigorous courses. N/ADocumentation of trimester transcripts will be collected for those students participating in the rigorous coursework. Data (grades) will be collected and entered into database. Hard copies will be maintained in the student files. Data will be tracked for overall progress, and to verify the effectiveness of each intervention (strong tutoring support, peer study groups, mentoring). For PY 2011-2012 14% For PY 2012-2013(as of 1/15/13)38%Participants that are enrolled in rigor coursework (as defined by policy requirements) are being tracked by Advisors and Data Specialist. A campaign was implemented (t-shirt and certificate) for participants enrolled in rigor coursework to encourage them to take AP tests in the spring. Advisors will follow up with any paticipants where cost of the test may be an issue, so that measures can be implemented to ensure every Talent Search participant can the AP tests.
AccessGrant Objective, Postsecondary Education Enrollment: 75% of participants who have graduated with a regular secondary school diploma, during the project year, will enroll in an institution of higher education by the fall term immediately following high school graduation or will have received notification, by the fall term immediately following high school, from an institution of higher education, of acceptance but deferred enrollment until the next academic term (e.g. spring term).A combination of one-on-one interventions and small-group workshops will be utilized by advisors to assist all students in the senior cohort with admissions, financial aid applications, enrollment, and initial course selection. Strong follow up services for June & July will be achieved by adding an 11-month Advisor position to the program (versus 10 months). N/AHard copies of schedules will be used to verify enrollment in a postsecondary institution. Data will be entered based on obtaining these hard copies. Information will also be tracked regarding which students received financial aid, scholarships, or tuition waivers to encourage cohorts to communicate with others who have not been enrolled. For PY 2011-2012 58% For PY 2012-2013 (as of 1/15/13) N/A Seniors are being tracked by Advisors at each high school (Ben Lomond and Ogden) to ensure enrollment in post secondary education is completed. Data is not available for this program year as enrollment for students is ongoing and changes daily. Data will be available June but is expected to change (increase) through the summer.