Campus Recreation

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
OtherObtain approval for and hire Marketing and Operations Coordinator position.Finalize financial resources, get approval from VP, submit position requisition, determine screening committee, post position, facilitate interview process.Students serving on search committee gain understanding of interview skills and process.Students articulate what they have gained by being involved with search.Financial resources procured; approval acquired; position requisition submitted; committee selected; position posted; interview process conducted; Emily Davidson will join Campus Recreation staff June 10, 2013. Students involved in search report they have acquired insight into the importance of interview preparation and presenting oneself in a professional manner at all times during the interview process. They also report they will use questions from this interview when they prepare for their own future interviews. New Marketing and Operations Coordinator will facilitate office and facility operations at Wildcat Center and Davis Fitness Center, will coordinate department promotional efforts, and will create a Campus Recreation brand. We will continue to involve students in professional searches for their professional development.
CommunityPrepare for expansion of programs/services (Davis building, Stromberg expansion, Stewart Wasatch Hall, Ice Sheet.Develop policies/protocols to address new facility operations (facility hours of operation, access, maintenance, custodial, participant usage, staff rounds, etc.). Continue to be involved in Stromberg and Davis architect meetings. Determine new staff costs, prepare for SFRC process to reflect need. Hire new staff (Marketing & Operations Coordinator, Equipment Maintenance & Custodial Manager, Strength & Cardio Supervisors, Group Exercise Instructors, Access Control staff). NANew policies/protocols implemented. Building design reflects needs of CR department and participants. Financial resources procured, new staff hired. Department Pro Staff Manual (outlining department operations) and hourly Staff Playbook (outlining program operations and staff expectations) drafts have been created and continue to be developed. CR pro staff meet weekly to define protocols for new areas opening in fall 2013. Director is involved with weekly project meetings for Stromberg expansion and monthly meetings for Davis Building. New hourly staff costs were presented to and accepted by Student Fee Recommendation Committee. We have created position descriptions and found funding for Coordinator for Marketing and Operations (MOps) and Maintenance Manager (MM) positions; MM search being facilitated by Facilities Management with intent to hire for July 1 start date. Hourly positions will be hired and trained summer 2013. New department manuals will assist pro staff and hourly staff in operations and position expectations. Items from weekly pro staff meetings will be implemented in expansion operations. Participation in weekly and monthly facility project meetings have ensured CR items are addressed. We will hire ~50 new hourly staff for fall semester.
LearningExpand programs/staff training to enhance Inclusion.Implement Goal Ball (for visually impaired) as Intramural Sport (IMs) activity. Recruit international students as IMs officials. Have Services for Students w/Disabilities (SSD) department facilitate training to Campus Recreation (CR) employees on communicating effectively with students with disabilities.Students understand basics of disability law and how it applies to their work environment; students learn about specific types of disabilities; students learn to brainstorm ways to better communicate and provide accessible service to individuals; students are better able to recognize campus resources for students with disabilities.Number of Goal Ball participants, number of international students hired as IMs officials, and CR employees who have completed SSD training complete learning outcome survey questions.Offered Goal Ball event at Late Night at the Gym with 25 participants; held spring Goal Ball Tournament with 10 teams/40 particicpants; 3 international students were hired as IMs Officials; staff and student from Services for Students with Disabilities conducted “Disabilities 101” workshop for 65 Campus Recreation hourly staff at January Staff Training; results of subsequent learning outcomes are as follows: 91% state they understand basics of disability law and how it applies to their work environment. 75% state they learned about specific types of disabilities. 83% state they were able to brainstorm ways to better communicate and provide accessible service to individuals. 75% state they were able to better recognize campus resources for students with disabilities. We will continue to offer Goal Ball tournaments and explore other inclusive recreation activities. CR will work with International Student and Scholar Center to recruit hourly staff. CR will continue to work with SA partners to train CR staff on diversity issues.