Upward Bound

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
Opportunity1.) The equal access committee will identify a minimum of 100 eligible students who are member of groups that have been traditionally underrepresented as college students; ie. members of racial or ethnic minority groups; women; and handicapped persons. By October 15, 2012 75 economically disadvantaged, first generation, and/or handicapped students will be selectd for project participation. These students will be selected from the target high schools in Davis School District (Clearfield, Layton, and Northridge high schools) and the Ogden City Schools (Ben Lomond and Ogden high schools). Post-secondary enrollment and graduation Upward Bound Equal Access Committee will meet with target high school and junior high school counselors, administrative staff and instructors to identify and recruit potential candidates. Enter ResultsThe equal access committee continues to recruit using referrals as in previous years.
Achievement2.) Ninety percent or more of the enrolled Upward Bound students will demonstate that they have achieved the academic skills and motivation necessary for academic success. Educational Specialists will perform weekly grade checks, midterm and final grade evaluations. Tutoring, SEOP assistance will help students follow a rigourous course of instruction Post-secondary enrollment and graduation Achieving a 2.0 high school GPA at the completion of their 1st year in the project, a 2.3 high school GPA at the completion of their 2nd year in the project; a 2.7 high school GPA or higher at the completion of their 3rd year in the project and by achieving a 3.0 high school GPA or higher at the completion of their 4th year in the project. (3.0=B) Enter ResultsUB staff works closely with students and high school counselors to ensure that their classes include the rior necessary to prepare for college (Honors/Advanced Placement, and Current Enrollment).
Success4.) Graduating seniors will enroll in post-secondary institutions. Upward Bound staff will provide college tours and workshops and assistance in filling out admissions applications and college course registration. Workshops on and assistance in finding and applying for scholarships and financial aid will be provided. Post-secondary enrollment and graduation Within 120 days of graduating from their respective high schools, 90% or more of each Upward Bound graduating class will enroll in and attend the post-secondary instituion of their choice. Enter ResultsContinue process of admissions, financial aid, etc. and track progress weekly.
Opportunity5.) All Upward bound graduates who enroll in college each year will have adequate financial aid packages that will meet all normal college expenses. Upward Bound staff will provide seminars, retreats, one-on-one sessions to prepare financial aid and scholarship packages and shepherd these applications through appropriate divisions, agencies, etc. Post-secondary enrollment and graduation Assessment of post-secondary admissions and financial aid packages. Enter ResultsUB staff will continue its support in helping students find and apply for financial aid and scholarships and shepherding students through the process to success.
Engagement3.) Ninety percent or more of the enrolled Upward Bound students will demonstrate that they have achieved the academic skills in reading, writing, mathematics, sciences, and study skills that are essential for post-secondary education. Educational Specialists will perform weekly grade checks, midterm and final grade evaluations. Tutoring, SEOP assistance will help students follow a rigourous course of instruction Post-secondary enrollment and graduation By scoring at the 60th percentile or greater on the CRT State Standard Achievement test at the end of their 1st year of participation in the project; by scoring 70% by the end of their 2nd year in the project; and by scoring 80% by the end of their 3rd year in the project. Enter ResultsStudents now receive instruction in Test-taking Strategies to assist with these assessments.