Health Center

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
Select ObjectiveIncrease student awareness of: 1. Importance of routine screening for chlamydia 2. Availability of newly acquired chlamydia testing for womenWomen presenting for annual GYN physical/exams will receive a Chlamydia Screeing Fact Sheet and opt in or out for testing.Stuents utilizing this process will have a better understanding of the test, its availabilty and usefullness in making informed health issue decisions.Students will complete a short Chlamydia Fact Sheet Quiz. Results will be tablulatedto determine % of students who judge this awareness intervention as useful.-chlamydia test was acquired -10 tests were performed from 8/22/11-12-30-11 but student being tested did not complete a written fact sheet as it hasn’t been developed but did recieve verbal information about the test. As a result, no data was collected to determine students awareness of intervention value. Project is still in process. (updated 1/10/2012)This project was never fully completed. The Screening Fact Sheet was nearly completed but never enough to be available for use by students. While routine screening use of the test was not fully implemented, the test has been in use for this academic year and success/feasibility of continued use of the test is in process.
SupportStudents utilize and are satisifed with general support services.Satisfaction survey has been developed for both the clinic and the pharmacy and will be administered February 2011 for comparison to prior year. Students will have the opportunity to provide feedback to the Health Center regarding services currently offered and give insight into services they may like to see added. In this way, students can assist in enhancing the services offered at the Health Center.Administer student satisfaction survey relating to services received from various Health Center units -utilize Student VoiceStudent Satisfaction survey for Health Center to be administered Spring Semester 2012 (updated 1/10/2012) A Student Satisfaction survey through Student Voice was conducted with an overall satisfaction rating of 95%. This survey will be repeated annually.
SupportStudent utilize and are satisfied with general support srvices.*Use of Program Review Handbook *comparisons of serivces with standards of practice *review of internal data from PNC system Determine areas of success and areas for improvement for services offered at the Health Center. Program Review for the clinic will be conducted Fall Semester 2011Program Review document completed December 2011 and Review Team scheduled to do site visit January 26-27, 2012. (updated 1/10/2012) Program Review was conducted January 2013. The Recommendations from the Site Team Review have been received and are at this time being reviewed. Actions on these recommendations will be incorporated into the 2012-2013 6 column model outcome measures and a 5 year strategic plan will be developed.
Select ObjectiveIncrease Health Center/Student Wellness staff awareness of cultural diversity among students we serve.Training session for staff conducted by Office of Diversity and Unity during the academic year.Outcome: Staff will increase thier awareness of cultural differences among WSU students served. On February 1, 2012, Adrienne Gillespie, Coordinator for the Center for Diversity & Unity will present diversity training to the Health Center Staff and learning outcome survey will be administered. (updated 1/10/2012) Diversity training for staff was provided in February by Adrienne Gillespie Coordinator for the WSU Center for Diversity and Unity. The training as especially targeted for medical providers and included individual reflections for each employee. Results of that data are pending. Ideas to further advance diversity understanding for staff are under review for the next academic year.