Campus Recreation

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
Select ObjectiveLay groundwork for Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training program.Fitness and Wellness Coordinator (FWC) meet with SA Student Wellness, HPHP, WSU Employee Wellness, and BASICS to outline roles and needs; determine pricing structure; determine equipment and spacing needs; determine staff training needs; determine staff training timeline. Student employees will gain skills in exercise program design and communication. Student participants will learn safe methods of exercise based on personal goals.Review of student employee performance re: exercise program design and communication. Participant surveys at completion of personal fitness training program.Spring 2012, FWC and CR director met with academic partinters in HPHP and Employee Wellness to explore how Personal Fitness Training will complement current services and academic classes. CR Personal Fitness Training program concept was well-received and it was agreed CR would create basic operational plan and bring back to partners. Late spring FWC moved and plans are on hold until a replacement is found. Still need to clarify each department's roles and needs; determine pricing structure, equipment and spacing needs, staff training needs, and staff training timeline. Still need to meet with Student Wellness Coordinator to discuss complementing/integrating services.
Select ObjectiveHave hourly student staff participate in division student employee training.Have student employees complete in-take survey, participate in fall and spring training sessions, and complete the out-take survey; conduct department follow-up.Responsibility and AccountabilityHave students complete in-take/out-take surveys, complete supervisor evals, apply rubrics.All department student employees (~80) are required to participate in division student employee training. At end of academic year, we are at varying levels of involvement.Need to get with Assessment Coordinator to determine number of valid participations in order to determine use of results.
Select ObjectiveFill vacant Intramural and Club Sports Coordinator positionDetermine screening committee, post position, facilitate interview processStudents serving on search committee gain understanding of interview skills and process.Students articulate what they have gained by being involved with search.Kosti Efstathiou was hired and began working 10/31/11. Students involved with interview process stated they learned insight that will be valuable to them when they begin interviewing for jobs: the importance of doing research on the organization applying for, the importance of writing a clear and interesting cover letter, the importance of maintaining an engaged energy during a phone interview, the importance of asking interviewers questions; they also said they will use interview questions from the process to practice for their own future interviews.Coordinator has made positive changes in hourly staff structure (IMCS Supervisor, Club Sport Lead) that has enhanced risk management of IMs and Club Sports programs (IMCS Supervisors make nightly rounds to events and complete documentation on event facilities, equipment, participants, any issues, etc.). Students provide solid input and gain valuable insight and knowledge being involved with professional staff interviews; we will continue to have students involved with these processes in the future.
Select ObjectiveCreate department Safety Program.Aquatics and Safety Coordinator (AQSC) reviews department safety equipment needs (AEDs, first aid kits, training materials, etc.), recommends and purchases needed equipment, and creates plan to maintain and stock safety equipment. AQSC creates training plan to ensure Campus Recreation hourly and professional staff maintain current safety certifications (CPR/AED/First Aid). AQSC determines safety staffing model and hires and trains new staff. AQSC works with other Campus Recreation coordinators to create department Risk Management manual and program “crash books”.New safety staff will learn to conduct American Red Cross certifying courses.Number of student employees who pass the American Red Cross Instructor Training program and conduct certification classes for the department.AQSC has completed needs assessment. Portable first aid kits have been purchased, compiled and delivered to program areas. A centralized system for tracking safety certifications has been implemented. As of May 2012, 127 staff (119 of these are students) have gone through the CR Safety Program and been trained and certified in new American Red Cross protocols. Seven Safety Team members have been hired and trained, and 71 Safety Audits were conducted spring semester. AQSC has created an annual training calendar to ensure Campus Recreation hourly and professional staff maintain current safety certifications (CPR/AED/First Aid). Accident/Incident Report Forms have been updated.Organization of first aid supplies and system for tracking safety certifications were highly noted in annual Weber-Morgan District Health Department's inspection of Swenson Pool. Safety Team members served as first responders at department Turkey Triathlon. Safety Team members represented WSU at the mid-way aid station of the Ogden Marathon May 2012.
Select ObjectiveOffer programs and equipment that are ADA accessible. (Diversity)Aquatics and Safety Coordinator (AQSC) review recent updates to federal requirements. AQSC work with department coordinators to review current department equipment and protocols. AQSC meet with office of Services for Students with Disabilities for input and recommendations. AQSC create and present action plan. Update programs and equipment where necessary.naNew programs and equipment implemented.Campus Recreation (CR) conducted an informal audit to ensure programs were ADA accessible. CR's AQS coordinator met with coordinators from other department units (Outdoor Program, Intramural & Club Sports, and Fitness & Wellness) to review updates in ADA policy that will go into effect 2012 and ensure CR is prepared to meet any changes in policy. CR partnered with technical writing academic class to review current programs and equipment and make recommendations. CR coordinators met with the director of Students with Disabilities Services (SDSD) and reviewed current fitness equipment available in Stromberg arena. The Intramural and Club Sports coordinator (IMCSC) explored with the SDSD intramural sports leagues that may be of interest to disabled students. Swenson pool needs a lift that will assist disabled participants with entering/exiting the pool. CR is working with the HPHP department to purchase and install a lift summer 2012. SDSD confirmed that current fitness equipment meets basic needs. However, CR will invest in adaptive straps that will assist with gripping movements. We will also conduct training with hourly staff on how to interact with and assist disabled students with fitness equipment usage. With future equipment purchases in expansion projects, CR will ensure upper body ergometers are included on the strength and cardio floor. Also with expansion projects, CR will offer upper body ergometers in group cycling classes. CR purchased equipment and debuted goal ball (visual impaired) at the Spring 2012 Late Night at the Gym event (42 participants). The event was well-received and an IM league will be formed Fall 2012. We will continue to explore wheelchair basketball as a league option, although equipment costs are a deterrent. We advocate using the term "Inclusive Recreation" as we want able-bodied as well as disabled students to participate and interact.