Appointment Tutoring

GoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
Draft common measurement tools for division learning outcomes (i.e., rubrics, survey questions)Meet with assessment committee to gather current tools available. Work to draft instruments. Disseminate to division for further feedback to refine instruments.Enter Student Learning OutcomeRubrics and survey questions designed and disseminated to each department for use. Also post on website.1/11/11: The Assessment Committee is in the process of discussing this; however, common tools have not yet been drafted. 5/23/2011: The Assessment Committee is in the process of finalizing survey questions and will begin work on rubrics at the next meeting.Hopefully, by the beginning of fall semester, rubrics and survey questions will be vetted through groups that have an integral part in measuring the learning outcomes, and the tools will be available for departmental use.
Work to add document upload component to online assessment website.Talk with Chip and assessment committee to discuss feasibility of and areas where we would like this feature.Enter Student Learning OutcomeDocument uploader created.1/11/11: Have not yet consulted with Chip. 6/2/2011: Will work with Chip over the next year to incorporate this item. As the 6 column model may still need to be edited for core themes and such, I will attempt to work with Chip on such a project at that time.With the revision of the annual report template and changes in the way university planning is conducted this past year, this will be incorporated into next years planning.
Increase the diversity of our tutor staff.Hire more international students, students of color and different cultural backgrounds.Tutors will more effectively interact with people from a variety of backgrounds.Response to question #18 on the "Assessment of Tutor Skill Development" (Post admin)2009-10 tutor staff included 25 tutors, 5 of whom were international students, students of color or different cultural backgrounds = 20%. Also, 11 were male tutors, 14 female; none over the age of 30. 2010-11 tutor staff includes 30 tutors, 12 of whom are international students, students of color or different cultural backgrounds = 40%. Also, 9 are male, 21 female; 4 over the age of 30. Tutors responded 72% "always" on question # 18 on the pre-assessment; 57% "always" on the post-assessment.Enter Use of Result
Conduct focus groups to disseminate survey data to faculty and staff (maybe students) to discuss areas of improvement and ideas for implementation.Look at survey schedule to determine areas who may be interested and discuss with assessment committee interested groups with which to hold focus groups.Enter Student Learning OutcomeFocus group notes.1/11/11: Will be presenting information at the Adjunct Faculty Retreat on Feb 5. Hopefully, this will spur interest. I anticipate being able to hold focus groups in March & April after more surveys have been completed. 6/2/2011: Because of the survey topics this year and how focused they were, we decided not to offer focus groups but will continue to collaborate with Adjunct and New Faculty events.Although this did not happen this year as the surveys were pretty specific, we have decided to complete an assessment handbook and look into the possibility of drafting an assessment newsletter to disseminate possibly on a 6 month rotation.
Hold annual focus groups with staff regarding overall assessment process improvements.Develop questions based on changes and improvements over the past year. Schedule focus groups.Enter Student Learning OutcomeFocus group notes.Have decided to hold Student Affairs Assessment focus groups every other year. This year, the Assessment Coordinator will meet individually with directors concerning their annual report and then again with their planning for 2011-12.Will discuss with directors in the 2011-12 academic year.
Conduct second year of student employee project and continue to assess effectiveness.Work to refine the role of the student employment committee. Revise learning outcomes. Administer pre and post tests (and evaluations). Analyze data. Make recommendations (with the help of the committee) for next year.All 19 outcomes are incorporated into project itself.Pre and Post Test, Supervisor EvaluationsPre-tests and initial supervisor evaluations have been administered. Currently working with year 3 committee on process. Post tests and post supervisor evals will be administered mid-March through the beginning of April.TBD. The benchmark for supervisor results is calculated, and student employee results are being processed.
In annual report, work to report out on achievement of division learning outcomes and areas of recommended improvement.Divide survey questions into division learning outcomes. Examine 6 column models to look for learning outcomes related to division learning outcomes and include in the report. Refine this process for next year (perhaps having departments select specific division learning outcomes when drafting departmental goals)Enter Student Learning OutcomeAnnual report division learning outcome summary template drafted (maybe not completed during the first year)With the revision of the university Core Themes and the work of the Assessment Committee to develop common measurement tools, this will be incorporated into the Core Theme Indicators next year under students benefitting from educational support services. Survey questions have been divided by learning outcome area, so this will be possible for next year.Will be incorporated into departmental and divisional planning for next year under the indicator relating to students benefitting from educational support services.
Work to refine cohort tracking process and to disseminate these data to departments in a timely manner.Develop new template. Work with IT to create new Crystal Report. Pull reports at the end of each semester for Sierra. Email to appropriate departments. Create summary doc at the end of each year.Enter Student Learning OutcomeCohort templates. Cohort summary doc created.1/11/11: Sierra worked to refine the template. New Crystal report has been designed, and Sierra is currently updating reports.Sierra has continually updated the cohort tracking process and template in addition to the activity waivers. She has worked with all departments to disseminate their cohort data. This will continue in the future.
Tutors will use excellent communication skills.Tutors will attend tutor training, accumulate experience explaining academic concepts to tutees, and meet in personal trainings with supervisor throughout the fall and spring semesters.Tutors will improve their ability to explain ideas.Response to question #17 on the "Assessment of Tutor Skill Development."27% of tutors responded "always" on question #17 on the pre-assessment; 29% of tutors responded "always" on question #17 on the post-assessment.Enter Use of Result
The Appointment Tutoring Center will acquire NADE certification.Collective efforts by the ASCP tutor supervisor staff will continue in the NADE certification process for 5th and final year.Tutors will earn certification from CRLA and NADE as an indication of their overall tutor training, experience and learning.NADE certification board will review and approve our application.All tutors earned a level of CRLA certification during fall semester 2010. NADE certification of our tutoring program is still pending.Enter Use of Result