Counseling and Psychological Services Center

GoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
Disseminate monthly headcount reports to departments. Distribute cohort information each semester. Disseminate department specific survey summaries (from university-wide surveys) as applicable.Create new headcount template. Regularly update cohort information. Breakdown overall summary information into department specific information.N/AReports created and disseminated.Headcount template has been created with the timely dissemination of reports (minus November 2009). Cohort reports will be distributed at the end of the year.In the future, cohort reports will be distributed once per semester.
Create assessment page for each department.Create template for department webpages. Meet with Chip to force pages to department sites. Meet with DPH to share webpage features and expectations.N/ADepartment level webpages created and updated regularly.6-column models for each department can now be publicly viewed from the Student Affairs Assessment webpage; however, department level webpages have not yet been created. This will probably be looked at more during the summer.Checking to see if this is feasible and/or necessary.
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Develop department level learning outcomes.Meet with each department to draft outcomes. Continually refer to these in planning conversations with directors and coordinators.N/ADepartment level outcomes drafted and posted to website.January 12: Department level outcomes have been developed for Counseling Center, Nontraditional Student Center, and have been worked on for MSC. Due to the nature of this year being a "catch-up" year for everyone in regards to assessment in Student Affairs, this goal will have results at a rate slower than originally anticipated.May 24: Continue working with departments in the coming years on developing departmental level outcomes; however, for now, focus on the use of division learning outcomes first.
Assist students in developing psychological self-care skills which will enhance their well-being and academic functioningAdd link to podcast(s) of relaxation/meditation exercises on CPSC website.Students will demonstrate successful use of relaxation and meditation technique(s).A brief pre- and post-exercise self-report questionnaire will measure students' perceived levels of relaxation, understanding of relaxation/meditation techniques, and confidence with relaxation/meditation techniques. Average self-ratings will increase by 2 scale points on each item.12/21/09: Relaxation/meditation podcast has been posted on CPSC website, and counselors have referred numerous clients to utilize it. Expanded learning module has also been developed. Pre-post test protocol is currently being developed based on module. 5/21/10: Relaxation/meditation website was viewed 354 times during AY 09-10. Uncertain number of podcast users. Pre- and post-exercise self-report questionnaire has been developed by CPSC but is not yet posted on website by IT staff.Given number of website hits, further development of Relaxation/meditation webpage and incorporated podcasts is justified. CPSC staff will continue to work with IT staff to post pre- and post-exercise self-assessments, and also to track utilization of podcasts.
Revise CPSC mission statementForm committee at fall retreat; committee composes draft; consultation and editing by full staffN/ADraft submitted to full staff by mid-October. Final document approved by mid-December.12/21/09: New CPSC mission statement is complete: "The mission of the Counseling and Psychological Services Center is to enhance the psychological growth and development of the diverse Weber State University community. We support the academic experience by providing brief mental health counseling, outreach, and consultation services that help individuals to identify barriers, improve coping, and achieve personal goals." New CPSC mission statement is utilized in all formal documentation.
Complete draft of website outline and timeline, which would move annual reports, accreditation information, and program review online.Create website outline. Work with SAT department to complete timeline.N/AWebsite outline created. Draft of website will be in progress.Accomplishments and the annual report have been integrated with the 6 column model.Accreditation documents will be integrated in the future along with the ability to upload documents. This goal will be carried into next year.
Implement and refine program review processes for the first five departments.Schedule kickoff meetings for each department. Meet with departments to setup self-study meetings and site visit. Post summaries of program review to departmental websites. Refine process based on reviewer and department level feedback.N/APRs scheduled. Summaries posted to assessment and department websites.Student Affairs Technology and the Testing Centers have completed program review. Women's Center and Career Services' reviews have been scheduled.Tutoring/Testing reviews have been rescheduled for spring 2011. All other reviews are on target.
Complete final version of CPSC Policies & Procedures Manual.Complete collaborative content review/editing at fall staff retreat; Office Specialist and Director review/edit formatting and appendices in bi-weekly meetings through Dec 2009N/AAnticipated completion date: December 2009.12/21/09: Content review and editing is complete. Currently pursuing additional consultation regarding formatting details. PPM content review, editing, and formatting is complete. Information contained in PPM will provide foundation for accreditation by the International Association of Counseling Services (IACS). Application has been recived and writing will begin on self-study document during Summer 2010.
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Adopt regular assessment training meetings facilitated by the assessment committee.Meet with assessment committee to develop assessment professional development workshops. Work with assessment committee to refine skills. Incorporate assessment pyramid into new employee training. Gather feedback from Division on the effectiveness of training.Staff members will increase knowledge and understanding of assessment and the processes associated with assessment.Trainings developed. Feedback from Division (survey) and assessment committee (focus group) on the effectiveness of trainings. Individual feedback from staff members regarding assessment trainings.A document has been completed detailing assessment trainings, focus groups have been held with DPH, trainings will be held periodically with groups that have like interests.DPH liked having focus groups to discuss assessment, so we will hold these on an annual basis. More focus will be place on departments' used of results in the coming years.
Implement student employee project and assess effectiveness of the project.Distribute pre and post tests to student employees. Load employee evaluation onto StudentVoice. Work with pilot departments to refine process throughout the year.N/AAnalyze pre and post tests, case studies, and supervisor evaluations to determine the effectivness of the student employee program.One year of trainings have been held with 2010-11 currently being scheduled, and results are currently being analyzed.We will continue the student employee for 2010-11 as we continue to make refinements and assess its effectiveness.
Enhance outreach to first-year studentsDeliver "Introduction to CPSC" outreach presentations in at least 50% of AY 09-10 FYE classes.Through participation in an "Intro to CPSC" outreach presentation, first-year students will demonstrate knowledge of basic information regarding CPSC services, including cost, office location, and session limits. They will also feel comfortable seeking services and/or referring a friend for services. Knowledge and comfort will be evidenced by scores on outreach evaluation form and by percentage of presentation attendees who subsequently make an intake appointment. Outreach evaluation form will be distributed following each presentation. Students will average 90% correct on multiple-choice questions. In addition, 90% of respondents will indicate that they "somewhat agree" or "strongly agree" with items related to comfort with referrals to CPSC. Number of first-year students seeking CPSC services will increase over previous years. Percentage of presentation attendees who subsequently make intake appointments will be greater than overall percentage of student body seeking services.12/21/09: 55% (6/11) of all fall semester FYE classes, plus 3 additional non-FYE classes, received an "Intro to CPSC" outreach presentation, for a total of 177 students. Respondents averaged 90% or better on items related to confidentiality, reasons students seek counseling, session limits, cost, and intake scheduling. They averaged 89% on the item related to office location. 77% endorsed comfort with self-referral and 75% endorsed comfort with referral of a friend. 3.6% of those students who reported their W# on the outreach evaluation form subsequently made an intake appointment at CPSC. This percentage slightly exceeds the percentage of students in the overall WSU population who seek services (3%). 5/21/10: 60% (3/5) of spring semester FYE classes, plus 3 additional non-FYE classes, received an "Intro to CPSC" outreach presentation, for a total of 76 additional students. Overall AY 09-10 results for 253 total students (78% freshmen) were as follows: Respondents averaged 90% or better on all items of interest. 78% endorsed comfort with self-referral and 79% endorsed comfort with referral of a friend. "Intro to CPSC" presentations will be offered to all spring FYE instructors. Additional emphasis will be placed on clarifying office location. A new slide will be added and associated discussion will be facilitated re: stigmas and hesitancies related to counseling, with the goal of generating greater comfort. 5/21/10: Scores for the complete AY 09-10 sample exceeded those of the Fall 09 sample, indicating that enhancements in the presentation may have had a positive effect on student learning. Knowledge of CPSC office location increased from 89% to 91%, comfort with self-referral increased from 77% to 78%, and comfort with referral of a friend increased from 75% to 79%. We will continue to use the enhanced presentation.