
ASCPMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Appointment Tutoring Major Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Assessment and ResearchMajor Department AccomplishmentCompleted Housing Master Plan
Assessment and ResearchMajor Department AccomplishmentReached full occupancy at all facilities.
Assessment and ResearchMajor Department AccomplishmentBeginning construction on new hall.
Assessment and ResearchMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Associate Vice PresidentMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
BridgesMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Campus RecreationMajor Department AccomplishmentInstituted a faculty/staff fee-for-service system as a means of generating new revenue. Average yield: $275/mo.
Campus RecreationMajor Department AccomplishmentInitiative 4: Acquired Bear Lake Bloomington Canyon Yurt permit allowing rental through Outdoor Program.
Campus RecreationMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Campus RecreationMajor Department AccomplishmentInitiative 4: Ninety-three percent of WSU students participating in campus recreation activities reported campus recreation increased or improved their feeling of well-being; 88% of students believe that participation in campus recreation has increased or improved their stress management; 76% of students believe that their participation in campus recreation has increased or improved their academic performance. (2010 NIRSA Campus Recreation Benchmarking survey results)
Campus RecreationMajor Department AccomplishmentInitiative 4: Aquatics drop-in swim participation for the academic year is up 93%; Aquatics swim lessons participation is up 46%; Aquatics aqua fitness class participation is up 496%
Campus RecreationMajor Department AccomplishmentCompleted CPSC Policies & Procedures Manual.
Campus RecreationMajor Department AccomplishmentInitiative 4: Sponsored the most successful Stress Awareness Fair event since its inception, with over 400 students in attendance.
Campus RecreationMajor Department AccomplishmentInitiative 4: Student involvement in club sports is up 18%
Campus RecreationMajor Department AccomplishmentInitiative 4: Hired full-time Coordinator for Intramurals and Club Sports, giving those programs the attention they need. Hired new Aquatics Supervisor who has dramatically improved functions in Aquatics Program.
Career ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Career ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentEnter an accomplishment Career Services 2009-2010 * Instituted Career Athletes Program in partnership the Athletic Director and Assistant Athletic Director. Focus on Careers for Athletes after athletics with jobs, mentors and search tools. - 52 students and 32 alumni registered - 3 mentors registered * Started outreach to special populations and hired and trained Jody Perkins as our coordinator. Jody was promoted to a full time position in the multi cultural center as an advisor. We had more special population students especially athletes in four months that we had in the past two years. * Established Pathways to Success Program. Designed and printed brochures and mailed to over 2,000 freshman. Marketed in orientations and by email. Bought big screen HD TV in the front of our career center. We currently have 11 students enrolled and completing the first year requirements. * Redesigned and redecorated the Career Center with a Career Cafe Theme. Career Cafe orientations and seminars are held each Wednesday from 11:00 until 1:00 with snacks and food. The Pizza open house held at the beginning of each semester brought in over 500 students. New computers, furniture, carpeting, painting with lettering and murals have made for a more warm and inviting environment. * Installed card scanners at the front desk and at the Career Fair and Grad Fair to increase the quantity and quality of our data on student visits. * Found $25,000 in JLD funding for an internship coordinator and hired Leo Jacobs into the position to work with local, regional and national companies to increase the internship opportunities for students. * Contributed $33,000 back to Student Affairs to help the division with its budget needs. * Increased the Grad Fair from 72 graduate schools to 94 graduate schools from across the nation. * Sponsored a Career Coaching workshop for the Utah Association of Career Educators for 43 Career Professionals and made the group $3,000. * Our Outreach Coordinator, Larry Burdett, and our Internship Coordinator visited over 100 employers to develop jobs and internships.
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Department AccomplishmentInitiative 4: Sponsored the most successful Stress Awareness Fair event since its inception, with over 400 students in attendance.
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Department AccomplishmentCompleted CPSC Policies & Procedures Manual.
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Department AccomplishmentInstituted a faculty/staff fee-for-service system as a means of generating new revenue. Average yield: $275/mo.
Center for Multicultural ExcellenceMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Clubs and OrganizationsMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
College Access & First-Year TransitionMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
College ReadinessMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentCompleted CPSC Policies & Procedures Manual.
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentInstituted a faculty/staff fee-for-service system as a means of generating new revenue. Average yield: $275/mo.
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentInitiative 4: Sponsored the most successful Stress Awareness Fair event since its inception, with over 400 students in attendance.
Davis Student ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentIncreased hours of operation at Davis by the Counseling Psychology and Career Services visiting professionals.
Davis Student ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Davis Student ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 1,097 student appeals sessions were generated this year. Also, over 534 student contact hours were logged by personnel from the Ogden Campus (Counseling, Career Services, Veterans Office, and Veterans Upward Bound).
Davis Student ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentTraded Room 256 for Room 255 to provide more privacy for the visiting Ogden personnel(255) and larger and more functional space for Student Programs student leaders (256).
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Educational Talent SearchMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Department AccomplishmentCompleted Housing Master Plan
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Department AccomplishmentReached full occupancy at all facilities.
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Department AccomplishmentBeginning construction on new hall.
Information and WildcardMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
International Student & Scholar CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
International Student & Scholar CenterMajor Department Accomplishment• We continue to see an increase in the number of international student applications and number of international students admitted to WSU. (250+) • We worked closely with academic departments (International Economics, Health Professions, Mathematics, Botany) in establishing 2+2 Programs. • International student club were active this year. Several international clubs were formed. Saudi Students hosted an “Open House” where over 500 WSU students, faculty and staff came (Free of charge.) Chinese club held a “New Year’s Celebration.” Elene Kvendaze was the Legislative Vice President and is the Crystal Crest Woman of the Year, Yousef Al-Awadhi was the International Student Senator and a member of the Faculty Senate. International student held a fundraiser for Haiti (1,300+.) • Weekly Coffee Breaks were held successfully again. • An International Advisory Committee was formed. • Recruiting trip to 4 countries resulted in new applications.
Leadership ProgramsMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentFor July 2009 through April 2010, Davis Learning Center Tutoring provided over 5,000 hours of tutoring, an increase of 55% over the entire previous year. Davis Learning Center offers tutoring at three locations: WSU Davis, West Center, and Kaysville Center. 6/1/10
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentIn addition to offering tutoring in the Davis Learning Center, Davis tutors trained on procedures relating to the developmental math TERM project and began supporting the Davis HUB (math lab) when it opened in January 2010 for Math 0950 students. Developmental math tutoring in the HUB expanded in summer 2010 to include Math 0960 and Math 1010. 5/25/10
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentUsage of both the Davis and West Testing Centers increased significantly from the previous year. The Davis Testing Center gave 52,000 exams from July 2009 through April 2010 as compared to 45,000 for the entire previous year. The West Testing Center gave over 9,000 exams so far this fiscal year, a 30% increase from last year. To meet demand, additional overflow rooms were added for a total seating capacity of 130 at Davis and 40 at the West Center. 6/1/10
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentAcademic Support Centers and Programs(ASCP), including Davis Learning Center Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction, completed the fourth year of certification requirements for the National Association of Developmental Education (NADE). Applications for certification for both tutoring and SI will be submitted in the upcoming year.
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentThe Davis computer lab saw a 15% increase in log-ins for the 2009-2010 academic year as compared to the same period last year. Computers were used in the open lab more than 46,000 times during fall and spring semesters. At the West Center, more students used the computer lab than ever before, with 785 unique users taking advantage of the lab. 6/1/10
MarketingMajor Department AccomplishmentCompleted Housing Master Plan
MarketingMajor Department AccomplishmentBeginning construction on new hall.
MarketingMajor Department AccomplishmentReached full occupancy at all facilities.
Math TutoringMajor Department AccomplishmentCollaborated with the Developmental Mathematics Program in redesigning the entire instruction method of the developmental mathematics courses. Arithmetic, Beginning Algebra, and Intermediate Algebra were redesigned to modular sections with computer videos and etext as the major mode of instruction, thus freeing the instructors and tutors to spend more one on one time with the students at crucial moments in their learning, when they are ready to ask for help. This project has been a large project spanning Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Administration, Technology Services, and WSUOnline. A lot of time when into all of the pieces that mixed these programs all together. Our drop in tutoring, as a part of it, is now located in the Hub, the specialized computer lab that students go to for help. Because the Developmental Mathematics Program requires students to be in the Hub for at least one hour a week for their course work, tutors see every single student in the program, whereas before they only saw students who opted for tutoring.
Math TutoringMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Money ManagementMajor Department AccomplishmentReached full occupancy at all facilities.
Money ManagementMajor Department AccomplishmentBeginning construction on new hall.
Money ManagementMajor Department AccomplishmentCompleted Housing Master Plan
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Department AccomplishmentEpiphany Nontraditional Student Literary Journal • Goal is to provide more opportunities for students to be published in the areas of Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry and Flash Fiction. We also had a goal to provide a leadership opportunity for the editors in working as a team and learning the process of creating a publication. • Collaboration with English Faculty, Dr. Brad Roghaar served as advisor for Epiphany in the Fall Semester 2009 and Dr. Judy Elsley served in Spring 2010 and will continue into Fall 2010 • Presented at the National Undergraduate Literature Conference in April 2010 • Four editors and have hired four brand new editors this year Managing Editor, Design and Copy Editor, and Assistant Editors • 60 submissions Fall and 157 Spring • Future goals are to work more closely with NULC, present at the NAPSA regional and national conference, accept state and national submissions, and to create a scholarship for the journal.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Department AccomplishmentWe finalized the state licensing process for the Hourly Childcare Center for the second year in a row. We implemented a late policy and added an application fee to increase revenue. We hired four new childcare aides, and one assistant supervisor. The childcare center increased the enrollment to fill all the time slots and we are almost completely full for the whole day every day.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Department AccomplishmentWe received the Rising Star Scholarship to administer for nontraditional students. The scholarship is available now along with the Walter C Swanson scholarship which is also for nontraditional students.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Department AccomplishmentPurple Pals Kids Club • Goal is to create a network of WSU students’ children and parents that will foster involvement and feelings of community. • Kids can join for $5 and they get a t-shirt, free bowling, "Fun Pack" including community discount and coupons, and they get a birthday card mailed to them with three games of bowling, arcade game, and soda of choice. • Three activities a year for members.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Department Accomplishment"Planting for Success" program was started this semester for staff to recognize each other. The "Planting Success" notes are given for assistance in helping with activities, jumping in to help on projects not assigned to them, exceptional work on projects, and overall having a positive impact on students and the staff. Once they receive 5 notes, they receive a metal flower for their pot and $5 on their Wildcard. At the bottom of the note are the division values, and the staff have circled the value that relates to their acknowledgement. The total of each value indicated by the staff is below. Accountibility - 6 Integrity - 5 Collaboration - 20 Inclusion - 1 Student-centered - 9 Respect - 4
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Department AccomplishmentA goal for last year was to increase participation in the Nontrad Center. The headcount for the center in 2008-2009 was 379 students with 2357 sessions. The headcount for the center in 09-10 was 2047 and the sessions were 7337. This is an increase of 550% for Fall 2009 and 310% for Spring 2010.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Department AccomplishmentPinnacle Honor Society officers attended the I-lead program at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Department AccomplishmentSome other successful programs were the Haunted Bowling, Thanksgiving Feast, Valentine’s Carnival and Mardi Gras.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Department AccomplishmentThe Nontraditional Students worked on a service project to donate St. Anne's Homeless Shelter and the YCC. They tied over 100 quilts in Spring semester and the Pinnacle Honor Society officers delivered yhe quilts.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Department AccomplishmentCollaborated with the Women's Center to have them offer haircuts and pedicures for single moms at our Valentine's Carnival
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Department AccomplishmentThe Treats on Tuesday and Flakes on Friday weekly events were a great way to have students connect with each other.
Office of Access and Outreach Major Department AccomplishmentTRiO-Educational Talent Search hosted their Annual High School Senior Recognition Night where approximately 200 students and parents attended from Ogden, Weber, and Davis school districts. Students were awarded WSU scholarships, 3 students also were recognized as having been awarded the Suder full four-year scholarship to the University of Utah, and 2 were awarded the Standard Examiner Reach for the Top. In all, TS students have earned $181,500 in scholarship monies. From 129 Talent Search high school seniors, currently 91% have completed Admissions, 78% Financial Aid application, and 99% are on track for high school graduation.
Office of Access and Outreach Major Department AccomplishmentStudent to Student Outreach: Adrian Tinajero established a comprehensive tutor training including working with the community involvement center on the on-line modules and implementing a practical trainin in February 2010. -Hired, trained, and supervised over 68 Tutor/mentors (volunteer/AmeriCorps/Work-study) -Served 1050 participants (Oct-April); 4851 tutoring sessions -16% improvement of overall GPA for participants
Office of Access and Outreach Major Department AccomplishmentGEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs), a pre-college program currently targeting under-represented junior high students and their families has partnered with Ogden School District to develop the "Parents to Higher Education" Initiative, which includes field trips for under-served parents to visit and tour Weber State campus and surrounding higher educational institutions and become familiar with college resources; 225 parents and students are expected to participate in nine field trips through the month of March. -225 parents/students attended Parents to Higher Ed (family visits to campus) The program also has partnered with Utah Juvenile Justice Services to pilot "Education First", an eight-week parenting curriculum conducted in Spanish that includes educational workshops and discussion for parents and tutoring support for students. -170 family members attended-Education First parent program -600 students attended FootworKINGz at Mound Fort Junior High-collaboration with WSU-Union
Office of Access and Outreach Major Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Office of Access and Outreach Major Department AccomplishmentDepartment hosted 2nd annual College Access 101 Training, providing guidance, resources and information on how to effectively serve under-represented students; over 35 participants from campus, community and secondary schools attended the training in September 2009. In support of the Dream Weber Initiative, Weber State University staff from student affairs, enrollment services and campus colleges came together to develop "College Goal Saturdays", an effort to invite under-represented potential students and their parents to campus to complete the financial aid application and receive college resource information. On February 13th and 27th, WSU staff worked individually with these families with over 84 students receiving services and 150 in attendance at these events. Weber State University in collaboration with Ogden School District and various community partners will be hosting the Northern Utah Family Empowerment Conference titled "Today's Trends and Tomorrow's Opportunities" on March 27 at Highland Junior High with the intent of having over 500 in attendance. The conference will focus on the importance of empowering parents and the community in the role they play in a child's education. Topics will include legal and community resources, parenting, educational options for adults, cultural enrichment, parent-school relationships, educational access programs for youth in K–12 and potentially in higher education. Department initiated efforts to expand high school outreach within Weber/Davis school districts- college outreach advocates worked with 128 high school students from local target schools (Roy, Bonneville, Clearfield, Northridge, Layton, Box Elder. Currently, following up with pre-college students to assist in their transition to college in partnership with Multicultural Center, Student Support Services, Smart Start and ETS programs, and Davis campus. Established the Gateway to Education Alliance- A WSU/OWATC/OCSD and community partnership with the focus on parents and families in Ogden to more effectively assist them in receiving college awareness resources and support.
Ogden GEAR UPMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentTutored approximately 7,000 students in face-to-face, drop-in and appointment sessions. Tutored approximately 1,000 students online, in both synchronous and a-synchronous sessions.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentRevised and reprinted the ASCP brochure that gives students updated information about Ogden, Davis, and West Center campus offerings in tutoring, testing, and computer labs.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentTrained and certified 15 new writing tutors at the CRLA master level through English 3840, ED 2920, and program components.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentCollaborated with 2 local elementary schools to have writing tutors judge the annual Reflections, student creative writing contests.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentFive tutors from three programs (ESL, Writing Center, and DELC) gave presentations at the regional peer tutoring conference in Denver this February. Derek Stout (zoology, pre-med), Bradley Mack (nursing), Kyle Rollins (English), Andrea Kunzler (English), Allison Scheel (clinical lab sciences).
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentCollaborated with Brenda Kowalewski to offer SI for four Community Based Learning classes.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentSuccessfully collaborated with Athletics Department to move PACE athlete tutoring to Elizabeth Hall 4 evenings/week where student athletes are more integrated into the campus community and can access services more fully. Zachary Pendleton (athletics department) effectively established our recommended accountability for work accomplished during study time rather than time attended only (writing tutors Christopher Bentley and Alexandria Waltz were key here).
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentAdded classes in Introduction to Chemistry and American Sign Language to the list of classes that receive SI. Students achieve a higher grade and SI helps retention.
Outdoor ProgramMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
STATE GEAR UPMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
SU/Wildcat Lanes Student Employees (SUSEC Initiatives)Major Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Services for Students with DisabilitiesMajor Department AccomplishmentDavis Campus Staffing Increased Brought on a new hourly staff at Davis Campus, increasing our ability to provide coverage and insure student needs are met and compensating for unanticipated staff problems. Worked with Academic Support to coordinate efforts and help meet each programs particular needs at the Davis Campus.
Services for Students with DisabilitiesMajor Department AccomplishmentPeople First Conference SSD sponsored a Disability Conference with People First Organization.
Services for Students with DisabilitiesMajor Department AccomplishmentTesting Center Cross-Training Completed the first of an ongoing series of "cross-training" opportunities with other WSU departments. This informal but informative cross-training breakfast was with the Testing Center. We were able to clarify the specific policies and procedures of each department and increase our understanding of each program.
Services for Students with DisabilitiesMajor Department AccomplishmentRehabilitation Services Meeting Invited the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation Services to Ogden campus for networking and training. Included various other WSU programs including the Bookstore, Financial Aid, and Accounting Services. Discussed potential problem areas and ways we can work together to increase communication and the smooth delivery of services to our students.
Services for Students with DisabilitiesMajor Department AccomplishmentDevelopmental Math Program Worked with the TERM team to anticipate needs for students in remedial math (ongoing). Enrolled two staff members (Roxanne and Don) into the pilot Math 950 course to enhance our understanding of the new program.
Services for Students with DisabilitiesMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Student Affairs TechnologyMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Student Affairs TechnologyMajor Department AccomplishmentStudent Affairs Technology provided the division a hands on training/information retreat for technology at the annual Student Affairs Division Retreat.
Student Affairs TechnologyMajor Department AccomplishmentStudent Affairs Technology completed the first of the division wide Program Review and was able to receive feedback from internal and external professionals/faculty on how our department was performing its mission. During the review SAT received many "Action Items" that will enable us to improve our services.
Student ConductMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Student Health CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentCompleted CPSC Policies & Procedures Manual.
Student Health CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentInitiative 4: Sponsored the most successful Stress Awareness Fair event since its inception, with over 400 students in attendance.
Student Health CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentInstituted a faculty/staff fee-for-service system as a means of generating new revenue. Average yield: $275/mo.
Student Health CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentActive participant with H1N1 Pandemic Planning Committee, developed a web site to assist with information dissemination including links to other resources from CDC, American College Health Association, Utah State and Weber-Morgan County Health Department sites. Developed a web site especially for university residence hall students, Tips for Flu and Students in Residence Halls, which provides information specific to their situation (living in a university housing setting). This site is linked to both the Student Health Center and University Housing web sites.
Student Health CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Student Health CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentIn May 2010, the Student Health Center implemented an Electronic Medical Records System. This system will allow increased ease of visits for students, maximizing of provider time for seeing students, and data gathering to enhance services to students.
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Department AccomplishmentBeginning construction on new hall.
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Department AccomplishmentReached full occupancy at all facilities.
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Department AccomplishmentA major departmental accomplishment has been its work with the 2nd unit goal regarding enhancing the ‘Safe Zone’ program for Weber State University. The department has been able to connect with Ogden Outreach group and the Ogden –PFLAG group. It has also been able to begin working closely with the student organization-Gay Straight Alliance. The student leaders of the G.S.A. have met together and helped provide input and suggestions for the Safe Zone website development and provided some wonderful suggestions on how to expand the Safe Zone program to provide more services for students that we hope to be able to implement by Fall 2010.
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Department AccomplishmentCompleted Housing Master Plan
Student Support ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Student WellnessMajor Department AccomplishmentCompleted CPSC Policies & Procedures Manual.
Student WellnessMajor Department AccomplishmentInitiative 4: Sponsored the most successful Stress Awareness Fair event since its inception, with over 400 students in attendance.
Student WellnessMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Student WellnessMajor Department AccomplishmentInstituted a faculty/staff fee-for-service system as a means of generating new revenue. Average yield: $275/mo.
TestingMajor Department AccomplishmentWSU Testing has collaborated with Continuing Education to develop Paper-Chi, a paper based companion and expansion of Chi-Tester. The piloting of the program meant focus groups of faculty, staff feedback, and trial runs. It continues as an ongoing project, but has succeeded as a more than adequate replacement for Digital Desk.
TestingMajor Department AccomplishmentDevelopment of a new testing center in the Union to replace Lampros Hall. We worked closely with Bruce Daley (Facilities Management) and Union officials to create the ideal test center with the space provided. We will go from 27 computers to 41. which will help us a great deal during peak times.
TestingMajor Department AccomplishmentSpring 2010 Finals showed a marked increase in last year's numbers, as well as Fall's Finals. All of this was accomplished within the narrow window of three official finals days.
TestingMajor Department AccomplishmentCollaborated with Brenda Kowalewski to offer SI for four Community Based Learning classes.
TestingMajor Department AccomplishmentAdded classes in Introduction to Chemistry and American Sign Language to the list of classes that receive SI. Students achieve a higher grade and SI helps retention.
TestingMajor Department AccomplishmentThe Testing Department has entered into contracts with two testing companies. Kryterion and Castle Inc. offer computer based certification exams, which have no overhead on our part and are starting to add to our revenue.
TestingMajor Department AccomplishmentIn order to better utilize the facilities that we have, the Science Learning Center has moved into the world of Chi-Tester. 4 computers were added in Fall, with an additional 4 added in Spring. These 8 computers have been heavily used and has revitalized the formerly weak Science Learning Testing Center.
TestingMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
TestingMajor Department AccomplishmentThe program review was a successful team effort that became a learning experience from beginning to end. We are proud that we came out in a favorable light and also accept the suggestions that could make a difference to our testing environment. The review took into account student needs and feedback, which we have taken seriously.
Union OperationsMajor Department AccomplishmentBeginning construction on new hall.
Union OperationsMajor Department AccomplishmentReached full occupancy at all facilities.
Union OperationsMajor Department AccomplishmentCompleted Housing Master Plan
Upward BoundMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Veterans Upward BoundMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Veterans’ ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentProvided inservice training to the department of CE. The subject was the nature of veterans in higher education.
Veterans’ ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentWe collaborated with Career Services and Zions Bank Corporation to provide job opportunities for veteran students. Out of this collaboration, the plan for November 2010 is to have a community-wide information session for veterans sponsored by the Ogden Area Chamber of Commerce. The target audience for this is primarily our freshman and sophomore veterans so they can prepare for the workforce after graduation.
Veterans’ ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentProvided inservice training to the department of CE. The subject was the nature of veterans in higher education.
Veterans’ ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentWe collaborated with Career Services and Zions Bank Corporation to provide job opportunities for veteran students. Out of this collaboration, the plan for November 2010 is to have a community-wide information session for veterans sponsored by the Ogden Area Chamber of Commerce. The target audience for this is primarily our freshman and sophomore veterans so they can prepare for the workforce after graduation.
Veterans’ ServicesMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Vice President Student AffairsMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Wellness & Fitness ProgramsMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Women’s CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentThe Women's Center, in an effort to collaborate with the community, partnered with the Ogden/Weber Women in Business by implementing a "Women Empowerment" conference. More than 125 women from the community were in attendance.
Women’s CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentThe Women's Center provided the 3rd annual "Women in Transition" orientation for Canyon Heights High School and young women in foster care. Twenty-five young parents were in attendance and, as of today, six of those students have applied for admission for fall semester 2010.
Women’s CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Women’s CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentThe Women's Center has developed and implemented the Mujeres al Poder (Women Empowerment) support group for Spanish speaking women in the community.
Women’s CenterMajor Department AccomplishmentThe Women's Center successfully implemented the Single Mom's United support group with the highest attendance it has had within the past five years.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Department AccomplishmentOver 150 StudentVoice surveys were administered across campus.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Department AccomplishmentCollaborated with 2 local elementary schools to have writing tutors judge the annual Reflections, student creative writing contests.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Department AccomplishmentRevised and reprinted the ASCP brochure that gives students updated information about Ogden, Davis, and West Center campus offerings in tutoring, testing, and computer labs.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Department AccomplishmentTutored approximately 7,000 students in face-to-face, drop-in and appointment sessions. Tutored approximately 1,000 students online, in both synchronous and a-synchronous sessions.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Department AccomplishmentFive tutors from three programs (ESL, Writing Center, and DELC) gave presentations at the regional peer tutoring conference in Denver this February. Derek Stout (zoology, pre-med), Bradley Mack (nursing), Kyle Rollins (English), Andrea Kunzler (English), Allison Scheel (clinical lab sciences).
Writing Center and DELCMajor Department AccomplishmentSuccessfully collaborated with Athletics Department to move PACE athlete tutoring to Elizabeth Hall 4 evenings/week where student athletes are more integrated into the campus community and can access services more fully. Zachary Pendleton (athletics department) effectively established our recommended accountability for work accomplished during study time rather than time attended only (writing tutors Christopher Bentley and Alexandria Waltz were key here).
Writing Center and DELCMajor Department AccomplishmentTrained and certified 15 new writing tutors at the CRLA master level through English 3840, ED 2920, and program components.
ASCPMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
ASCPMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
ASCPMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
ASCPMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Appointment Tutoring Major Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Appointment Tutoring Major Individual AccomplishmentLynnae Dopp personally lost 20 lbs. through the help and encouragement of the Student Affairs Wellness Program. Thanks!
Appointment Tutoring Major Individual AccomplishmentIn November, 2009, Lynnae Dopp was awarded the "Certified Ruby Master Reviewer" for CRLA's International Tutor Program Certification Committee on which she has served for 16 years. (Served as Asst. Coordinator of the committee from 2000 - 2006.)
Appointment Tutoring Major Individual AccomplishmentLynnae Dopp was one recipient of the Student Affairs "Outstanding Team Performance Award" for participation on a student task force.
Appointment Tutoring Major Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Appointment Tutoring Major Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Appointment Tutoring Major Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Assessment and ResearchMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Assessment and ResearchMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Assessment and ResearchMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, received Campus Living Villages Program of the Month for November 2009
Assessment and ResearchMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Assessment and ResearchMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, completed Safe Zone training Spring 2010
Assessment and ResearchMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, started the HR Higher Education Academy Fall 2009
Assessment and ResearchMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, recognized to serve on 2010 AIMHO Program Planning Committee
Assessment and ResearchMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, completed SA Academy Spring 2010
Assessment and ResearchMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Associate Vice PresidentMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Associate Vice PresidentMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Associate Vice PresidentMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Associate Vice PresidentMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
BridgesMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
BridgesMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
BridgesMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
BridgesMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Campus RecreationMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Campus RecreationMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Lawrence Helmbrecht co-facilitated a breakout session with Charles Chandler (Coordinator of Veteran Student Services) at the Utah University and College Counseling Centers annual conference in Park City, UT: “Boots to books: Challenges faced by returning veteran students.”
Campus RecreationMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Campus RecreationMajor Individual AccomplishmentDaniel Turner, Outdoor Program Coordinator, completed the Rock Instructor certification from the American Mountain Guides Association; Landon Wolfe, Intramurals/Club Sports Coordinator, obtained High School Varsity Sports Official Licenses in football, basketball, and baseball through the UHSAA (Utah High School Activities Association); Kelly Bright, Fitness/Wellness Coordinator, obtained YogaFit Level 1 certification and FitTour Pilates certification
Campus RecreationMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Campus RecreationMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-authored a chapter insert for an upcoming ACPA-sponsored assessment publication with Prasanna Reddy (Director of Testing, Tutoring, and Supplemental Instruction) and Jessica Hickmott (Coordinator of Student Affairs Assessment): “Weber State University assessment case study.”
Campus RecreationMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Campus RecreationMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-presented a paper at the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors annual conference in Asheville, NC: Neal, G., Paulson, D., Payne, A., & Abel, D. “What’s learning got to do with it? Assessing learning outcomes of counseling services.”
Campus RecreationMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel assumed a leadership role within the NU-Hope community-based suicide prevention task force. Chairing the QPR committee, Dr. Abel facilitated the adoption of the QPR Program for broad application in the local community, including across campus. Implementation will begin in Fall 2010.
Campus RecreationMajor Individual AccomplishmentTamara Robinette facilitated a breakout session at the Utah University and College Counseling Centers annual conference in Park City, UT: “Why doesn’t he listen to me? The hidden impact of learning disabilities on relationships.”
Campus RecreationMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-authored a journal article with Dr. Theresa Kay, Psychology Department faculty member: Kay, T.S. & Rangel (Abel), D.K. (2009). National Depression Screening Day: An undergraduate practicum experience. Teaching of Psychology, 36 (2), 126-129.
Campus RecreationMajor Individual AccomplishmentTim Nguyen won October Professional Staff Advisory Council award.
Career ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Career ServicesMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Career ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Career ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-authored a chapter insert for an upcoming ACPA-sponsored assessment publication with Prasanna Reddy (Director of Testing, Tutoring, and Supplemental Instruction) and Jessica Hickmott (Coordinator of Student Affairs Assessment): “Weber State University assessment case study.”
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Lawrence Helmbrecht co-facilitated a breakout session with Charles Chandler (Coordinator of Veteran Student Services) at the Utah University and College Counseling Centers annual conference in Park City, UT: “Boots to books: Challenges faced by returning veteran students.”
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-presented a paper at the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors annual conference in Asheville, NC: Neal, G., Paulson, D., Payne, A., & Abel, D. “What’s learning got to do with it? Assessing learning outcomes of counseling services.”
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Individual AccomplishmentTamara Robinette facilitated a breakout session at the Utah University and College Counseling Centers annual conference in Park City, UT: “Why doesn’t he listen to me? The hidden impact of learning disabilities on relationships.”
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel assumed a leadership role within the NU-Hope community-based suicide prevention task force. Chairing the QPR committee, Dr. Abel facilitated the adoption of the QPR Program for broad application in the local community, including across campus. Implementation will begin in Fall 2010.
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-authored a journal article with Dr. Theresa Kay, Psychology Department faculty member: Kay, T.S. & Rangel (Abel), D.K. (2009). National Depression Screening Day: An undergraduate practicum experience. Teaching of Psychology, 36 (2), 126-129.
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Center for Multicultural ExcellenceMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Center for Multicultural ExcellenceMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Center for Multicultural ExcellenceMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Center for Multicultural ExcellenceMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Clubs and OrganizationsMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Clubs and OrganizationsMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Clubs and OrganizationsMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Clubs and OrganizationsMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
College Access & First-Year TransitionMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
College Access & First-Year TransitionMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
College Access & First-Year TransitionMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
College Access & First-Year TransitionMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
College ReadinessMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
College ReadinessMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
College ReadinessMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
College ReadinessMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Lawrence Helmbrecht co-facilitated a breakout session with Charles Chandler (Coordinator of Veteran Student Services) at the Utah University and College Counseling Centers annual conference in Park City, UT: “Boots to books: Challenges faced by returning veteran students.”
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel assumed a leadership role within the NU-Hope community-based suicide prevention task force. Chairing the QPR committee, Dr. Abel facilitated the adoption of the QPR Program for broad application in the local community, including across campus. Implementation will begin in Fall 2010.
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-presented a paper at the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors annual conference in Asheville, NC: Neal, G., Paulson, D., Payne, A., & Abel, D. “What’s learning got to do with it? Assessing learning outcomes of counseling services.”
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentTamara Robinette facilitated a breakout session at the Utah University and College Counseling Centers annual conference in Park City, UT: “Why doesn’t he listen to me? The hidden impact of learning disabilities on relationships.”
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-authored a chapter insert for an upcoming ACPA-sponsored assessment publication with Prasanna Reddy (Director of Testing, Tutoring, and Supplemental Instruction) and Jessica Hickmott (Coordinator of Student Affairs Assessment): “Weber State University assessment case study.”
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-authored a journal article with Dr. Theresa Kay, Psychology Department faculty member: Kay, T.S. & Rangel (Abel), D.K. (2009). National Depression Screening Day: An undergraduate practicum experience. Teaching of Psychology, 36 (2), 126-129.
Davis Student ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentInitiative 4: Enhance academic, student development and support services to retain students through graduation; develop innovative strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners. 1. Student Programs was able to acquire fellowship funds to double the student leadership positions offered to students on the Davis Campus Student Council. These positions offer the opportunity for students to learn teamwork and leadership skills. 2. Student Programs set a world record for the Guinness Book for the game of Red Light/Green Light. This event, attended by 100 people, was written up in the Standard Examiner twice, once on the front page, and garnered the support of the Mayor and Chief of Police of Layton acting as witnesses to the event. 3. Student Senators had a new responsibility this year to hold events at the Davis Campus. Student Programs hosted the first event of this kind, an outdoor movie, which was a collaborative event with several senators. The event also included participation by Campus Recreation for a Showcase of Basketball Shootout and Disc Golf. Community members were encouraged to attend and the event attendance of 632 was the highest ever. The winner of the first Jerry B. Jensen Scholarship for “unsung heroes” in Student Affairs was Alisha Brenchley. Alisha was nominated by Student Programs where she is the student Advertising Assistant. Jennifer Grandi, Assistant Dean of Students, presented “Creating and Implementing a Mentor Program Designed to Connect Students to the University” at the Fall 2009 NASPA Western Regional Conference in San Jose, California.
Davis Student ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Davis Student ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Davis Student ServicesMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Davis Student ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsMajor Individual AccomplishmentQuality Service Star Award ~ Spring 2010 Staff Development Grant ~ Spring 2010/$490.00: NASPA Conference ~ Social Justice Training Student Affairs Individual Staff Award Nominee ~ Spring 2010 WSU Bookstore Student Association Quasi-Endowment Grant/$2000: “The Topaz Expedition” ~ Spring 2010 Crystal Crest, Friend of Student Nominee ~ 2009-10 Quality Service Star Award ~ Fall 2009 Student Affairs Outstanding Team Performance Award, Utah Leadership Academy ~ Summer 2009 Utah Campus Compact Civically Engaged Staff Award, Spring 2009
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Educational Talent SearchMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Educational Talent SearchMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Educational Talent SearchMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Educational Talent SearchMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, completed SA Academy Spring 2010
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, started the HR Higher Education Academy Fall 2009
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, recognized to serve on 2010 AIMHO Program Planning Committee
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, received Campus Living Villages Program of the Month for November 2009
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, completed Safe Zone training Spring 2010
Information and WildcardMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Information and WildcardMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Information and WildcardMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Information and WildcardMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
International Student & Scholar CenterMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
International Student & Scholar CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
International Student & Scholar CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
International Student & Scholar CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Leadership ProgramsMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Leadership ProgramsMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Leadership ProgramsMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Leadership ProgramsMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentLeslie Loeffel, Davis Learning Center Director, co-presented "Creating a Staff Development Program: From Innocence to Experience" with Dr. Jan Winniford and Dorothy Hill at the NASPA Western Regional Conference, Nov. 6, 2009 in San Jose, CA. 1/22/10
MarketingMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, completed Safe Zone training Spring 2010
MarketingMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, recognized to serve on 2010 AIMHO Program Planning Committee
MarketingMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, received Campus Living Villages Program of the Month for November 2009
MarketingMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, completed SA Academy Spring 2010
MarketingMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, started the HR Higher Education Academy Fall 2009
Math TutoringMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Math TutoringMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Math TutoringMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Math TutoringMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Money ManagementMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, recognized to serve on 2010 AIMHO Program Planning Committee
Money ManagementMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, completed SA Academy Spring 2010
Money ManagementMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, started the HR Higher Education Academy Fall 2009
Money ManagementMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, completed Safe Zone training Spring 2010
Money ManagementMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, received Campus Living Villages Program of the Month for November 2009
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Office of Access and Outreach Major Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Office of Access and Outreach Major Individual AccomplishmentIndividual: Adrian Tinajero- Recently appointed Chair of Annual Multicultural Youth Conference, which will be held November 2010. Presented at the Utah-State ASPIRE coference on "How to integrate effective academic support with pre-college programs" in April 2010.
Office of Access and Outreach Major Individual AccomplishmentIndividual: Lindsay Beddes- elected President Elect for Utah ASPIRE, state TRiO organization in October 2009. Co-chaired Utah-State ASPIRE conference held in Ogden, April 2010.
Office of Access and Outreach Major Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Office of Access and Outreach Major Individual AccomplishmentIndividual: Ruth Stubbs- elected to Ogden Adult Education Advisory Board, recently became a member of Mt. Ogden Rotary Club, and plays an active role with the Utah State Board of Regents College Access Think Tank and planning state conference. Ruth Stubbs-Co-chaired the 2nd Annual Family Empowerment Conference in partnership with Weber State University and Ogden School District and community partners held March 2010. Ruth Stubbs-co-presented at the National GEAR-UP conference on "Education, Catch the Dream: a college-prep curriculum providing a motivational tool to aspire towards a higher education" in July 2009. Ruth Stubbs-Presented at the State Conference for American Association of University Women on "Educational barriers and opportunities for women from under-represented backgrounds" in August 2009. Ruth Stubbs-Presented at the Utah State Conference on College Access and Transition for Utah High School Counselors on "How to effectively serve under-represented populations within the educational system" in August 2009.
Office of Access and Outreach Major Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Office of Access and Outreach Major Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Ogden GEAR UPMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Ogden GEAR UPMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Ogden GEAR UPMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Ogden GEAR UPMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentPrasanna Reddy's class was chosen to be one of the courses to pilot Moodle software as a possible replacement for WebCT.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentServed the second of 3 years as president of the Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association, under the umbrella of the International Writing Centers Association.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentWorked with Allen Lore to set up an improved forum for synchronous online tutoring for Writing Center and Developmental English Learning Center, allowing for 6 tutoring rooms to run consecutively as needed for the approximately 1,000 students we tutor online each year (in addition to the approximately 7,000 students we tutor face-to-face).
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentPrasanna Reddy received the Outstanding Individual Performance Award from the Division of Student Affairs.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentPrasanna Reddy was given an award by the Putting Students Through Committee.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentClaire Hughes collaborated with English department faculty to participate in the Faculty Writing Initiative, supporting effective writing for all courses by meeting bi-weekly with faculty representatives from each WSU college.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentCollaborated with Developmental English faculty to conduct 8 tutor training sessions with Claire and the DELC staff. Claire continues to co-teach the CRLA-certified English 3840 tutor training class with Dr. Scott Rogers each fall.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentServed the second of 3 years on the Professional Staff Advisory Committee (PSAC).
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Outdoor ProgramMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Outdoor ProgramMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Outdoor ProgramMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Outdoor ProgramMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
STATE GEAR UPMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
STATE GEAR UPMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
STATE GEAR UPMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
STATE GEAR UPMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
SU/Wildcat Lanes Student Employees (SUSEC Initiatives)Major Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
SU/Wildcat Lanes Student Employees (SUSEC Initiatives)Major Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
SU/Wildcat Lanes Student Employees (SUSEC Initiatives)Major Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
SU/Wildcat Lanes Student Employees (SUSEC Initiatives)Major Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Services for Students with DisabilitiesMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Services for Students with DisabilitiesMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Services for Students with DisabilitiesMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Services for Students with DisabilitiesMajor Individual AccomplishmentRID Conference in Philadelphia Amelia Williams and Landon Burch both attended the national Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) conference in Philadelphia, August 2009.
Services for Students with DisabilitiesMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Student Affairs TechnologyMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Student Affairs TechnologyMajor Individual AccomplishmentCarey Anson was recognized by Department of Defenses’ Employer Support for the Guard & Reserve for outstanding supervisory support to the Utah National Guard & Reserve.
Student Affairs TechnologyMajor Individual AccomplishmentClayton Oyler contributed and was published in two Student Affairs Leadership Council Journals. "Managing IT in Student Affairs Organizations - Strategies for Planning, Prioritization, and Skill Development" and "The Promise and Perils of Technology - 21st Century Strategies for Enhancing the Student Experience"
Student Affairs TechnologyMajor Individual AccomplishmentCarey Anson earned his Masters of Education from the University of Utah in Education Leadership and Policy with emphasis is Student Affairs Administration
Student Affairs TechnologyMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Student Affairs TechnologyMajor Individual AccomplishmentSarah Trescott completed her Masters in Organizational Management from Ashford University.
Student Affairs TechnologyMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Student Affairs TechnologyMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Student ConductMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Student ConductMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Student ConductMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Student ConductMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Student Health CenterMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Student Health CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Lawrence Helmbrecht co-facilitated a breakout session with Charles Chandler (Coordinator of Veteran Student Services) at the Utah University and College Counseling Centers annual conference in Park City, UT: “Boots to books: Challenges faced by returning veteran students.”
Student Health CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Student Health CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel assumed a leadership role within the NU-Hope community-based suicide prevention task force. Chairing the QPR committee, Dr. Abel facilitated the adoption of the QPR Program for broad application in the local community, including across campus. Implementation will begin in Fall 2010.
Student Health CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentTamara Robinette facilitated a breakout session at the Utah University and College Counseling Centers annual conference in Park City, UT: “Why doesn’t he listen to me? The hidden impact of learning disabilities on relationships.”
Student Health CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Student Health CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-authored a journal article with Dr. Theresa Kay, Psychology Department faculty member: Kay, T.S. & Rangel (Abel), D.K. (2009). National Depression Screening Day: An undergraduate practicum experience. Teaching of Psychology, 36 (2), 126-129.
Student Health CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Student Health CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-authored a chapter insert for an upcoming ACPA-sponsored assessment publication with Prasanna Reddy (Director of Testing, Tutoring, and Supplemental Instruction) and Jessica Hickmott (Coordinator of Student Affairs Assessment): “Weber State University assessment case study.”
Student Health CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentColette Cooper *completed a CNA certification program which enhanced her cross-training skills for the clinic. *currently serving in the Utah Health Information Management Association as the Director of Alternate Care. *received acknowledgment as P-SAC "classified staff of the month" for January 2010
Student Health CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-presented a paper at the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors annual conference in Asheville, NC: Neal, G., Paulson, D., Payne, A., & Abel, D. “What’s learning got to do with it? Assessing learning outcomes of counseling services.”
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, recognized to serve on 2010 AIMHO Program Planning Committee
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, received Campus Living Villages Program of the Month for November 2009
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, completed Safe Zone training Spring 2010
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, completed SA Academy Spring 2010
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, started the HR Higher Education Academy Fall 2009
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Individual AccomplishmentAlthough my individual accomplishment hasn’t necessarily been one that could openly be defined as an accomplishment I feel the greatest accomplishment has been in discovering the weaknesses and challenges that have prevented my department in reaching the unit goal regarding organizing a non-traditional student support group and peer mentor program. This has led us to go back to evaluating the student population and begin again with evaluating what the students of Davis Campus require and how to accomplish providing them with those services or programs. Although the survey conducted targeting Nontraditional students stated 70% were satisfied with their 'experience' at the Davis Campus, only 23% felt they were 'moderately' or 'very connected' to the Davis campus. This provides me with some great insight into where I need to direct our attention to for the nontraditional students of the Davis Campus.
Student Support ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Student Support ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Student Support ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Student Support ServicesMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Student WellnessMajor Individual AccomplishmentTamara Robinette facilitated a breakout session at the Utah University and College Counseling Centers annual conference in Park City, UT: “Why doesn’t he listen to me? The hidden impact of learning disabilities on relationships.”
Student WellnessMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel assumed a leadership role within the NU-Hope community-based suicide prevention task force. Chairing the QPR committee, Dr. Abel facilitated the adoption of the QPR Program for broad application in the local community, including across campus. Implementation will begin in Fall 2010.
Student WellnessMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Student WellnessMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Student WellnessMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-authored a journal article with Dr. Theresa Kay, Psychology Department faculty member: Kay, T.S. & Rangel (Abel), D.K. (2009). National Depression Screening Day: An undergraduate practicum experience. Teaching of Psychology, 36 (2), 126-129.
Student WellnessMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Lawrence Helmbrecht co-facilitated a breakout session with Charles Chandler (Coordinator of Veteran Student Services) at the Utah University and College Counseling Centers annual conference in Park City, UT: “Boots to books: Challenges faced by returning veteran students.”
Student WellnessMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Student WellnessMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Student WellnessMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-presented a paper at the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors annual conference in Asheville, NC: Neal, G., Paulson, D., Payne, A., & Abel, D. “What’s learning got to do with it? Assessing learning outcomes of counseling services.”
Student WellnessMajor Individual AccomplishmentDr. Dianna Abel co-authored a chapter insert for an upcoming ACPA-sponsored assessment publication with Prasanna Reddy (Director of Testing, Tutoring, and Supplemental Instruction) and Jessica Hickmott (Coordinator of Student Affairs Assessment): “Weber State University assessment case study.”
TestingMajor Individual AccomplishmentPrasanna Reddy received the Outstanding Individual Performance Award from the Division of Student Affairs.
TestingMajor Individual AccomplishmentChip, Terry, and Tracey developed a system for distance Accuplacer testers to set up and pay for their exams online.
TestingMajor Individual AccomplishmentTammy Critchlow represented GED administrators for the State of Utah at a summit with GED's national vice-president/executive director and deputy executive director.
TestingMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
TestingMajor Individual AccomplishmentPrasanna Reddy's class was chosen to be one of the courses to pilot Moodle software as a possible replacement for WebCT.
TestingMajor Individual AccomplishmentHyrum Allen was offerred an internship with Omar Kader in Washington DC by the department head of Political Science.
TestingMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
TestingMajor Individual AccomplishmentClaire Nye and Hyrum Allen set up the pencil machine to aid in our search for new revenue.
TestingMajor Individual AccomplishmentPrasanna Reddy was given an award by the Putting Students Through Committee.
TestingMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
TestingMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Union OperationsMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, recognized to serve on 2010 AIMHO Program Planning Committee
Union OperationsMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, received Campus Living Villages Program of the Month for November 2009
Union OperationsMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, completed SA Academy Spring 2010
Union OperationsMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, started the HR Higher Education Academy Fall 2009
Union OperationsMajor Individual AccomplishmentKatee Keen, Assistant Director, completed Safe Zone training Spring 2010
Upward BoundMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Upward BoundMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Upward BoundMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Upward BoundMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Veterans Upward BoundMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Veterans Upward BoundMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Veterans Upward BoundMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Veterans Upward BoundMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Veterans’ ServicesMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Veterans’ ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentInservice Training for the Higher Education Counseling Centers of Utah in Park City in November 2009.
Veterans’ ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentInservice Training for the Higher Education Counseling Centers of Utah in Park City in November 2009.
Veterans’ ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Veterans’ ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Veterans’ ServicesMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Vice President Student AffairsMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Vice President Student AffairsMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Vice President Student AffairsMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Vice President Student AffairsMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Wellness & Fitness ProgramsMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Wellness & Fitness ProgramsMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Wellness & Fitness ProgramsMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Wellness & Fitness ProgramsMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Women’s CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Women’s CenterMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Women’s CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Women’s CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Women’s CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentCarol E. Merrill, Director, spoke at the "Moving Closer to My Dreams" Women's Leadership Conference in Tallahassee, Florida. The topic was "Leadership Development in a Changing World"
Women’s CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentCarol E. Merrill, Director, provided two workshops at the American Association of University Women and NASPA Conference in Maryland. The topics were: "The Power Game of Leadership" and "The Art of Leadership."
Women’s CenterMajor Individual AccomplishmentThe Women's Center has created a Single Mom Resource book that is available to all single moms at WSU and for all single moms who attend the Single Mom United support group.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Individual AccomplishmentWorked with Allen Lore to set up an improved forum for synchronous online tutoring for Writing Center and Developmental English Learning Center, allowing for 6 tutoring rooms to run consecutively as needed for the approximately 1,000 students we tutor online each year (in addition to the approximately 7,000 students we tutor face-to-face).
Writing Center and DELCMajor Individual AccomplishmentServed the second of 3 years as president of the Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association, under the umbrella of the International Writing Centers Association.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Individual AccomplishmentServed the second of 3 years on the Professional Staff Advisory Committee (PSAC).
Writing Center and DELCMajor Individual AccomplishmentCollaborated with Developmental English faculty to conduct 8 tutor training sessions with Claire and the DELC staff. Claire continues to co-teach the CRLA-certified English 3840 tutor training class with Dr. Scott Rogers each fall.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Individual AccomplishmentAssisted in a research project on professional competencies for a NASPA, ACPA, and CAS joint project.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Individual Accomplishment"Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs" publication released.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Individual AccomplishmentClaire Hughes collaborated with English department faculty to participate in the Faculty Writing Initiative, supporting effective writing for all courses by meeting bi-weekly with faculty representatives from each WSU college.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Individual AccomplishmentSelected to serve on 2011 NASPA National Program Board.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Individual AccomplishmentCo-presented three workshops at the annual NASPA conference.
Access & DiversityMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Appointment Tutoring Major Student AccomplishmentTyler Stout, a tutor for German, was selected for the study abroad program this summer in Germany.
Appointment Tutoring Major Student AccomplishmentNathan Phillips was hired by Rhinehart Chemical. He stated that his experience as a chemistry tutor for the department contributed greatly to his selection for this position.
Appointment Tutoring Major Student AccomplishmentRyan Jessen was accepted to the "Teach For America" program. Ryan believes his acceptance to this prestigious program was greatly influenced by his extensive experience as a tutor and an SI Leader here at WSU.
Appointment Tutoring Major Student AccomplishmentAs a direct result of her extensive and rewarding experience as a math and Spanish tutor for the department, Kathryn Day has decided to pursue a teaching degree.
Assessment and ResearchMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored, Stress Awareness Week.
Assessment and ResearchMajor Student AccomplishmentTurkeys on Ice program brought in over $600.00 in donations, 400+ attended.
Assessment and ResearchMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Program hired 6 international students to be RAs for 2010-2011 year.
Assessment and ResearchMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Assessment and ResearchMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored, Saudi Open House.
Assessment and ResearchMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored RA, Halla Mansour, who placed with DECA to go to nationals in Kentucky.
Assessment and ResearchMajor Student AccomplishmentTower of Terror event brought in nearly 350 people.
BridgesMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Campus RecreationMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Campus RecreationMajor Student AccomplishmentShannon Tortolano & Amanda Kwok conducted undergraduate research co-sponsored by CPSC and the Department of Psychology. Their paper, “Nutrition and mental health in the college age population,” was presented at the WSU Undergraduate Research Symposium and at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association annual conference in Denver, CO.
Campus RecreationMajor Student AccomplishmentInitiative 1: Baseball Club won Northern Pacific Region Championship & qualified for the NCBA World Series; Bowling Club had 2 Academic All-Americans with GPAs > 3.5; Travis Jackson & Amy Trevethan...Rick Lilly won a Gold Medal in the World Transplant Games for Team USA; Rodeo Club's Women's Team won Regionals & are ranked 3rd in the nation...Makenzie Barrington won the individual Breakaway Event...Women got 2nd in Barrel Racing & Mackenzie Pratt/Kendra Hoffman got 2nd & 3rd in Goat Tying...LeKelsi Dansie won the Regionals All-Around championship...Rob Webb placed in Tiedown Roping and got 2nd in Team Roping...Nationals Qualifiers (women) - LeKelsi Dansie, Makenzie Barrington, Kendra Hoffman, Mackenzie Pratt...Nationals Qualifier (men) - Rob Webb; Wrestling Club's Ben Harding, Kirk Waldron, Will Moulding, & Elliott Mart all qualified for Nationals
Campus RecreationMajor Student AccomplishmentWSU Initiative 4: Fencing Club members had an average GPA of 3.37, Martial Arts Club members had an average GPA of 3.27
Campus RecreationMajor Student AccomplishmentInitiative 1: Men's Club Soccer Team won NCCS National Soccer Championship. Scott Whiteside was named Most Valuable Player. Other team members include Kyle Christensen, Eric Creamer, Ryan Davies, Thomas Dewey, Coltor Gilliland, Mike Hickman Jr., Tyler Jones, Janon Lang, Aaron McKinley, Shea Miller, Derek Nielsen, Clay Parry, Jess Patterson, Jan Robbins, Ben Steggell, Josh Stewart, Garrett Swift, Logan Toupin, Ryan Wong
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Center for Community Engaged LearningMajor Student AccomplishmentShannon Tortolano & Amanda Kwok conducted undergraduate research co-sponsored by CPSC and the Department of Psychology. Their paper, “Nutrition and mental health in the college age population,” was presented at the WSU Undergraduate Research Symposium and at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association annual conference in Denver, CO.
Center for Multicultural ExcellenceMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
College Access & First-Year TransitionMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
College ReadinessMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentShannon Tortolano & Amanda Kwok conducted undergraduate research co-sponsored by CPSC and the Department of Psychology. Their paper, “Nutrition and mental health in the college age population,” was presented at the WSU Undergraduate Research Symposium and at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association annual conference in Denver, CO.
Davis Learning Support and Student ServicesMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Davis Student ServicesMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsMajor Student AccomplishmentWorking with areas within Student Affairs, over 3,000 students have participated in the StrengthsQuest program.
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsMajor Student AccomplishmentMyles Davis was awarded the Matthew Shepherd Scholarship for 2010-11. Myles Davis has been selected to serve as a summer intern for the Utah AIDS Foundation.
Educational Talent SearchMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored RA, Halla Mansour, who placed with DECA to go to nationals in Kentucky.
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Student AccomplishmentTower of Terror event brought in nearly 350 people.
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Program hired 6 international students to be RAs for 2010-2011 year.
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored, Stress Awareness Week.
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored, Saudi Open House.
Housing and Residence LifeMajor Student AccomplishmentTurkeys on Ice program brought in over $600.00 in donations, 400+ attended.
Information and WildcardMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
International Student & Scholar CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
LGBTMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Leadership ProgramsMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Student AccomplishmentAmber Hardison, Davis Computer Lab Team Leader, received two academic scholarships: the Morrin, Dean & Jane Scholarship and the Tanner, B & N General Scholarship. Amber was accepted into the Radiology Program and earned High Honors for Fall 2009. 1/22/10
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Student AccomplishmentAngela McInelly, Davis Testing Center Proctor, was accepted to the Radiology Program and began Fall 2009. 1/22/10
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Student AccomplishmentTyler Stout, a Davis Computer Lab Aide, received the Ken Adams Scholarship from the German Program to study abroad during summer 2010 in Bayreuth, Germany, taking German and business classes. 1/22/10
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Student AccomplishmentBecky Rigby, a math tutor for the Davis Learning Center, was chosen to receive the Davis Campus Monthly Staff Award for April 2010. 5/25/10
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Student AccomplishmentDawn Hall, a Davis computer lab aide, competed in the national Ethics Bowl competition as a part of WSU's Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl team. Dawn argued three of the cases that helped place WSU's team second in the nation, its best showing ever. 5/25/10
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Student AccomplishmentKristie Muhlestein, a Health Science SI Leader for the Davis Learning Center, was accepted into the Dental Hygiene program for Fall 2010. Kristie's SI Leader position helped to strengthen her qualifications for the program. 5/25/10
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Student AccomplishmentErin Hill Dowdle, a Davis Learning Center writing tutor, graduated from WSU this spring with an MA in English. Nathan Dowdle, a Davis computer lab aide, graduated with his MBA. 6/1/10
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Student AccomplishmentBecky Hartley, Davis Testing Center Proctor, was accepted to the Teacher Education Program and began major classes Fall 2009. 1/22/10
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesMajor Student AccomplishmentRachelle Frederiksen, Office Assistant for the Davis Learning Center, received the Abreila S. Hinckley Scholarship and the Walter C. Swanson Scholarship for 2009-2010. Rachelle was accepted into the Teacher Education Program and was named to the Dean's List for Fall 2009. 1/22/10
MarketingMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
MarketingMajor Student AccomplishmentTower of Terror event brought in nearly 350 people.
MarketingMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored, Stress Awareness Week.
MarketingMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Program hired 6 international students to be RAs for 2010-2011 year.
MarketingMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored, Saudi Open House.
MarketingMajor Student AccomplishmentTurkeys on Ice program brought in over $600.00 in donations, 400+ attended.
MarketingMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored RA, Halla Mansour, who placed with DECA to go to nationals in Kentucky.
MentoringMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Money ManagementMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored, Stress Awareness Week.
Money ManagementMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored, Saudi Open House.
Money ManagementMajor Student AccomplishmentTurkeys on Ice program brought in over $600.00 in donations, 400+ attended.
Money ManagementMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Program hired 6 international students to be RAs for 2010-2011 year.
Money ManagementMajor Student AccomplishmentTower of Terror event brought in nearly 350 people.
Money ManagementMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Money ManagementMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored RA, Halla Mansour, who placed with DECA to go to nationals in Kentucky.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareMajor Student AccomplishmentPeer Advisor accepted to English graduate program at WSU.
Office of Access and Outreach Major Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Office of Access and Outreach Major Student AccomplishmentStudent Accomplishments-Scholarships: Two high school seniors from the Educational Talent Search pre-college program received the Ogden Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Scholarship on February 27th. Both students are planning on pursuing bachelors degrees at Weber State beginning in the fall of 2010. In addition, office assistant and WSU pre-med. student, Abelardo Saucedo received Ogden Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Scholarship on February 27 to help him continue his education. Three students were recognized as having been awarded the Suder scholarship to the University of Utah focused on first-generation, low-income students. They will receive $5000/ year for tuition and books for up to 4 years and free on-campus housing during their first year. Two were awarded the Standard Examiner Reach for the Top. Talent Search students have earned $181,500 in scholarship monies thus far.
Ogden GEAR UPMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentKathrine Reeder, DELC student leader, edited the Spring edition of our journal Verbal Equinox, collaborating to include thoughtful pieces from faculty and tutors to distribute to faculty.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentRyan Jessen, an SI Leader and an Assistant SI Supervisor,was accepted to the "TeachForAmerica" Program. Ryan believes the acceptance of his application to this prestigious program was due to the emphasis he placed on his experience as an SI Leader.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentMichael Hernandez received a department scholarship and was hired as a tutor by the department.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentLisa Lofthouse gained admission to the Nursing Program.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentChristopher Bentley, a Writing Center tutor for 3 ½ years, fulfilled a White House internship this spring.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentGabrielle Simonson’s poetry was published in WSU’s Epiphany.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentStephanie Presley won English department honorable mention for her fiction and accepted copy editing positions with the Signpost and with Metaphor.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentRyan Sherman started the Open Mic club to provide a weekly forum for original music and writing on campus.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentAndrea Kunzler, a 3-year writing tutor, won 2 English department awards for fiction and non-fiction, and accepted the position of editor for the 2010-2011 edition of the WSU student publication, Metaphor.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentMichael Madson graduated from WSU in August 2009, and completes his master’s in ESL, English emphasis, from USU this August 2010. He has applied to teach at WSU this fall.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentMichelle Paul chaired the effort, with Sarah Trescott and Cristy Carpenter, to revise the Writing Center and DELC websites that will be in full function this July, including Ask a Tutor chat, Twitter feed, and podcasts.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentNick Dean gained employment as an Instructor in the Department of Health Sciences.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentAdrian Stumpp’s writing was published in 5 national literary journals in 2010, he accepted teaching work with Ogden school district this spring, and he is conducting a creative writing workshop at the Eccles Arts Center this summer.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentFour writing tutors were accepted to present at WSU’s National Undergraduate Literature Conference. Brian Christensen illuminated an interested take on Frost’s “Fences.”
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentAlexandria Waltz chairs the Honors Student Advisory Board and is president of the Aletheia Club for Presidential Scholarship students.
Ogden Learning CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentDevon Hoxer joined fellow tutors Jessika Aardema, Alex Waltz, Andrea Kunzler, and Michelle Paul in WSU’s honors program.
Programming C#Major Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
SU/Wildcat Lanes Student Employees (SUSEC Initiatives)Major Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Services for Students with DisabilitiesMajor Student AccomplishmentEvacuation Chair Training for SSC During the Fall 2009 semester, Brady Rae, an intern at SSD, planned and implemented an evacuation chair training for SSD professional and hourly staff. The Student Services Building Supervisor Cindy Meyers was also in attendance.
Services for Students with DisabilitiesMajor Student AccomplishmentEngineering Student Project With input and support from SSD, a group of senior students in the engineering program installed a remote operated door opener on the math building.
Student Affairs TechnologyMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Student Affairs TechnologyMajor Student AccomplishmentKlint Holmes (WSU student) and Chip Coleman developed the first active Weber State University Apple iPhone/iPad "app" for the Open Student Computer Labs. This app enables people who download it to see information about each lab and offers current usage stats to enable a person to find a lab with available computers.
Student Health CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Student Health CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentShannon Tortolano & Amanda Kwok conducted undergraduate research co-sponsored by CPSC and the Department of Psychology. Their paper, “Nutrition and mental health in the college age population,” was presented at the WSU Undergraduate Research Symposium and at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association annual conference in Denver, CO.
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Student AccomplishmentA major student accomplishment has been the increase of awareness regarding event planning for this academic year. Surprisingly, the original assumption would be that our student leaders would grasp the concepts and focus more with the assessment component of event planning but they actually focused well and increased in their safety awareness steps in regards to event planning.
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Student AccomplishmentTurkeys on Ice program brought in over $600.00 in donations, 400+ attended.
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Program hired 6 international students to be RAs for 2010-2011 year.
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored RA, Halla Mansour, who placed with DECA to go to nationals in Kentucky.
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored, Stress Awareness Week.
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Student AccomplishmentTower of Terror event brought in nearly 350 people.
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored, Saudi Open House.
Student Involvement and LeadershipMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Student WellnessMajor Student AccomplishmentShannon Tortolano & Amanda Kwok conducted undergraduate research co-sponsored by CPSC and the Department of Psychology. Their paper, “Nutrition and mental health in the college age population,” was presented at the WSU Undergraduate Research Symposium and at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association annual conference in Denver, CO.
Supplemental InstructionMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
TestingMajor Student AccomplishmentRyan Jessen, an SI Leader and an Assistant SI Supervisor,was accepted to the "TeachForAmerica" Program. Ryan believes the acceptance of his application to this prestigious program was due to the emphasis he placed on his experience as an SI Leader.
TestingMajor Student AccomplishmentSupervising Proctor, Sean Peek, has taken the Student Services Testing Center above the Social Sciences Testing Center in the number of cheaters caught this year. Sean, individually has caught the most and handled it professionally. He serves as an example to others in Testing.
TestingMajor Student AccomplishmentMichael Hernandez received a department scholarship and was hired as a tutor by the department.
TestingMajor Student AccomplishmentLisa Lofthouse gained admission to the Nursing Program.
TestingMajor Student AccomplishmentTaylor Pebley took high honors at the Big Sky Conference Track and Field Championships. He won a gold medal for relay, the silver for the 400 meter, and bronze for the 400 hurdles.
TestingMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
TestingMajor Student AccomplishmentMarc Bucher graduated from WSU's Police Academy in May of 2010. He continues to work for Testing as he also plans to finish his degree.
TestingMajor Student AccomplishmentSupervising Proctor, Greyce Farias, gained an internship at KTVX Channel 4, ABC's TV affiliate in Salt Lake City. She continues to work with Testing while also completing the internship.
TestingMajor Student AccomplishmentSteven Shepherd broke a state track record at U of U for the relay.
TestingMajor Student AccomplishmentBen Chase made WSU's football squad for 2009-10, his last year of eligibility.
TestingMajor Student AccomplishmentNick Dean gained employment as an Instructor in the Department of Health Sciences.
Union OperationsMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored RA, Halla Mansour, who placed with DECA to go to nationals in Kentucky.
Union OperationsMajor Student AccomplishmentTower of Terror event brought in nearly 350 people.
Union OperationsMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Program hired 6 international students to be RAs for 2010-2011 year.
Union OperationsMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Union OperationsMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored, Saudi Open House.
Union OperationsMajor Student AccomplishmentResidence Life Sponsored, Stress Awareness Week.
Union OperationsMajor Student AccomplishmentTurkeys on Ice program brought in over $600.00 in donations, 400+ attended.
Veterans Upward BoundMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Veterans’ ServicesMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Wildcat ScholarsMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Women’s CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Women’s CenterMajor Student AccomplishmentA student staff member has created a Spanish version of "What a Woman Needs" resource manual to be provided to women who attend the Mujeres al Poder group and for other Spanish-speaking women in the Community.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Student AccomplishmentTo foster growth
Writing Center and DELCMajor Student AccomplishmentChristopher Bentley, a Writing Center tutor for 3 ½ years, fulfilled a White House internship this spring.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Student AccomplishmentGabrielle Simonson’s poetry was published in WSU’s Epiphany.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Student AccomplishmentStephanie Presley won English department honorable mention for her fiction and accepted copy editing positions with the Signpost and with Metaphor.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Student AccomplishmentRyan Sherman started the Open Mic club to provide a weekly forum for original music and writing on campus.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Student AccomplishmentAndrea Kunzler, a 3-year writing tutor, won 2 English department awards for fiction and non-fiction, and accepted the position of editor for the 2010-2011 edition of the WSU student publication, Metaphor.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Student AccomplishmentMichael Madson graduated from WSU in August 2009, and completes his master’s in ESL, English emphasis, from USU this August 2010. He has applied to teach at WSU this fall.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Student AccomplishmentMichelle Paul chaired the effort, with Sarah Trescott and Cristy Carpenter, to revise the Writing Center and DELC websites that will be in full function this July, including Ask a Tutor chat, Twitter feed, and podcasts.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Student AccomplishmentAlexandria Waltz chairs the Honors Student Advisory Board and is president of the Aletheia Club for Presidential Scholarship students.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Student AccomplishmentKathrine Reeder, DELC student leader, edited the Spring edition of our journal Verbal Equinox, collaborating to include thoughtful pieces from faculty and tutors to distribute to faculty.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Student AccomplishmentAdrian Stumpp’s writing was published in 5 national literary journals in 2010, he accepted teaching work with Ogden school district this spring, and he is conducting a creative writing workshop at the Eccles Arts Center this summer.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Student AccomplishmentDevon Hoxer joined fellow tutors Jessika Aardema, Alex Waltz, Andrea Kunzler, and Michelle Paul in WSU’s honors program.
Writing Center and DELCMajor Student AccomplishmentFour writing tutors were accepted to present at WSU’s National Undergraduate Literature Conference. Brian Christensen illuminated an interested take on Frost’s “Fences.”
Access & DiversitySelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Access & DiversitySelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Appointment Tutoring Select type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Appointment Tutoring Select type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Assessment and ResearchSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Assessment and ResearchSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
BridgesSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
BridgesSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Campus RecreationSelect type of accomplishment5th consecutive semester of team-teaching Psy 1540 (Psychology of Adjustment and Growth) as a means of generating new revenue. Yield: $1800-2700/semester.
Campus RecreationSelect type of accomplishmentFour former students who completed undergraduate practicum and research projects at CPSC were accepted into graduate programs: Kimberlee Taylor will enter the combined Clinical/Counseling/School Psychology Ph.D. program at Utah State University, Allesandra Salazar will enter the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at the University of Idaho, Jason Swift will enter the Masters in Counseling program at New Mexico Highlands University, and Zachary Snow will enter the Masters in Social Work program at the University of Utah.
Campus RecreationSelect type of accomplishmentAmanda Kwok, CPSC undergraduate practicum student, was selected to speak at the College of Education convocation ceremony.
Campus RecreationSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Campus RecreationSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Center for Community Engaged LearningSelect type of accomplishment5th consecutive semester of team-teaching Psy 1540 (Psychology of Adjustment and Growth) as a means of generating new revenue. Yield: $1800-2700/semester.
Center for Community Engaged LearningSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Center for Community Engaged LearningSelect type of accomplishmentAmanda Kwok, CPSC undergraduate practicum student, was selected to speak at the College of Education convocation ceremony.
Center for Community Engaged LearningSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Center for Community Engaged LearningSelect type of accomplishmentFour former students who completed undergraduate practicum and research projects at CPSC were accepted into graduate programs: Kimberlee Taylor will enter the combined Clinical/Counseling/School Psychology Ph.D. program at Utah State University, Allesandra Salazar will enter the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at the University of Idaho, Jason Swift will enter the Masters in Counseling program at New Mexico Highlands University, and Zachary Snow will enter the Masters in Social Work program at the University of Utah.
Center for Multicultural ExcellenceSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Center for Multicultural ExcellenceSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
College Access & First-Year TransitionSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
College Access & First-Year TransitionSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
College ReadinessSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
College ReadinessSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterSelect type of accomplishmentAmanda Kwok, CPSC undergraduate practicum student, was selected to speak at the College of Education convocation ceremony.
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterSelect type of accomplishment5th consecutive semester of team-teaching Psy 1540 (Psychology of Adjustment and Growth) as a means of generating new revenue. Yield: $1800-2700/semester.
Counseling and Psychological Services CenterSelect type of accomplishmentFour former students who completed undergraduate practicum and research projects at CPSC were accepted into graduate programs: Kimberlee Taylor will enter the combined Clinical/Counseling/School Psychology Ph.D. program at Utah State University, Allesandra Salazar will enter the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at the University of Idaho, Jason Swift will enter the Masters in Counseling program at New Mexico Highlands University, and Zachary Snow will enter the Masters in Social Work program at the University of Utah.
Davis Learning Support and Student ServicesSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Davis Learning Support and Student ServicesSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Davis Student ServicesSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Davis Student ServicesSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Davis Student ServicesSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsSelect type of accomplishmentAdrienne Gillespie has participated in numerous workshops, presentations and lectures to help tell the story of Weber State University. In the last year, two that standout include serving as the Hill Air Force Base Federal Women’s History Month Keynote in March 2010 and serving as a panelist at the American Association of University Women in May2009.
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsSelect type of accomplishmentJayson Stokes was selected as a NASPA Undergraduate Fellow Program participant for 2010-11
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsSelect type of accomplishmentThe CDU provides programming that reflects our campus and community including events such as the community partner lunch, dinner and receptions held throughout the year to build relationships with African-American and Hispanic and Latino community members; discussion with students, faculty, staff and community regarding sexual orientation and religion; training student staff to be culturally competent in the on-campus workforce; and through the Gospel Music Festival. Each of these programs have faculty connections to enhance student learning and engagement.
Diversity and Inclusive ProgramsSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Educational Talent SearchSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Educational Talent SearchSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Housing and Residence LifeSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Housing and Residence LifeSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Information and WildcardSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Information and WildcardSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
International Student & Scholar CenterSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
International Student & Scholar CenterSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
International Student & Scholar CenterSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
LGBTSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
LGBTSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Leadership ProgramsSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Leadership ProgramsSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Learning Support & Davis Student ServicesSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
MarketingSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
MarketingSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
MentoringSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
MentoringSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Money ManagementSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Money ManagementSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareSelect type of accomplishmentWe integrated an online submission form and online payment option for childcare, Pinnacle Honor Society, Epiphany Literary Journal, and Purple Pals.
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Nontraditional Student Center and Hourly ChildcareSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Office of Access and Outreach Select type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Office of Access and Outreach Select type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Ogden GEAR UPSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Ogden GEAR UPSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Ogden Learning CenterSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Ogden Learning CenterSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Ogden Learning CenterSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Ogden Learning CenterSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Ogden Learning CenterSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Ogden Learning CenterSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Ogden Learning CenterSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Ogden Learning CenterSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Ogden Learning CenterSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Ogden Learning CenterSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Ogden Learning CenterSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Ogden Learning CenterSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Programming C#Select type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Programming C#Select type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
SU/Wildcat Lanes Student Employees (SUSEC Initiatives)Select type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
SU/Wildcat Lanes Student Employees (SUSEC Initiatives)Select type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Student Affairs TechnologySelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Student Affairs TechnologySelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Student Health CenterSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Student Health CenterSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Student Health CenterSelect type of accomplishmentFour former students who completed undergraduate practicum and research projects at CPSC were accepted into graduate programs: Kimberlee Taylor will enter the combined Clinical/Counseling/School Psychology Ph.D. program at Utah State University, Allesandra Salazar will enter the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at the University of Idaho, Jason Swift will enter the Masters in Counseling program at New Mexico Highlands University, and Zachary Snow will enter the Masters in Social Work program at the University of Utah.
Student Health CenterSelect type of accomplishmentAmanda Kwok, CPSC undergraduate practicum student, was selected to speak at the College of Education convocation ceremony.
Student Health CenterSelect type of accomplishment5th consecutive semester of team-teaching Psy 1540 (Psychology of Adjustment and Growth) as a means of generating new revenue. Yield: $1800-2700/semester.
Student Involvement and LeadershipSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Student Involvement and LeadershipSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Student WellnessSelect type of accomplishmentAmanda Kwok, CPSC undergraduate practicum student, was selected to speak at the College of Education convocation ceremony.
Student WellnessSelect type of accomplishmentFour former students who completed undergraduate practicum and research projects at CPSC were accepted into graduate programs: Kimberlee Taylor will enter the combined Clinical/Counseling/School Psychology Ph.D. program at Utah State University, Allesandra Salazar will enter the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at the University of Idaho, Jason Swift will enter the Masters in Counseling program at New Mexico Highlands University, and Zachary Snow will enter the Masters in Social Work program at the University of Utah.
Student WellnessSelect type of accomplishment5th consecutive semester of team-teaching Psy 1540 (Psychology of Adjustment and Growth) as a means of generating new revenue. Yield: $1800-2700/semester.
Supplemental InstructionSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Supplemental InstructionSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
TestingSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
TestingSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
TestingSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
TestingSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
TestingSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
TestingSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Union OperationsSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Union OperationsSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Upward BoundSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Veterans Upward BoundSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Veterans Upward BoundSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Veterans’ ServicesSelect type of accomplishmentSponsored 40 new army recruits up to the Swenson Gym to participate army combatives and wrestling as a way to introduce them to WSU>
Veterans’ ServicesSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Veterans’ ServicesSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Veterans’ ServicesSelect type of accomplishmentSponsored 40 new army recruits up to the Swenson Gym to participate army combatives and wrestling as a way to introduce them to WSU>
Wildcat ScholarsSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Wildcat ScholarsSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Women’s CenterSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Women’s CenterSelect type of accomplishmentCarol E. Merrill, Director, was selected by the Ogden/Weber Chamber of Commerce Women in Business as the 2010 Athena recipient.
Women’s CenterSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Women’s CenterSelect type of accomplishmentCarol E. Merrill, Director, was the keynote speaker at the Women's Empowerment Conference that was established by the Ogden/Weber Women in Business and the Women's Center.
Writing Center and DELCSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Writing Center and DELCSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Writing Center and DELCSelect type of accomplishmentThe third accomplishment of giving the initiative a go
Writing Center and DELCSelect type of accomplishmentThis is my first accomplishment
Writing Center and DELCSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Writing Center and DELCSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Writing Center and DELCSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment
Writing Center and DELCSelect type of accomplishmentEnter an accomplishment