Wildcat Scholars Program Application for Fall 2025 (starting August 25, 2025)

All information you provide will be kept confidential and will not be shared. Demographic information is used for data and reporting purposes only. Your responses do not affect your eligibility for the program.

Please note: this is NOT a substitute for completion of the Weber State University application for admission.

WSU student ID (W Number)

Contact Info
First Name M.I.
Last Name

Mailing Street Apt or Unit #
City State Zip Code

Primary or Mobile Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx)

Personal Email (not your high school or WSU email)

High School and Weber State Info
How did you hear of the Wildcat Scholars Program?

Select the high school you attended. Please look closely for the name of your high school in this list

Year of High School Graduation (xxxx)

Do you have an area of interest for a career or major?

What schedule works best for you?

What campus do you prefer for your fall semester classes?

WSU Math Placement Level Find your placement levels in CatTracks

WSU English Placement Level

What is your sex/gender?

What is your preferred gender pronoun?

What is your date of birth? (MM/DD/YYYY)

What is your race or ethnicity?

How long have you lived in the US?

Do you speak a language other than English at home?

What is the highest level of education for your mother or parent/guardian 1?

What is the highest level of education for your father or parent/guardian 2?

What is your annual household income?

Statement of Interest List 2-3 reasons you want to come to college.

Disclaimer and Signature
Today's Date (MM/DD/YYYY)